Grunge VS Hair Metal

Grunge VS Hair Metal

  • Grunge

    Votes: 14 56.0%
  • Hair Metal

    Votes: 9 36.0%
  • Reggaeton

    Votes: 2 8.0%

  • Total voters
I liked Winger…

They were amazing musicians but had to make a living. You know, like Mr. Big and Damn Yankees.

Also, I still think the Cherry Pie album is amazing… except for the stupid title track.
I totally get why people liked them? They just didn't speak to me. Really none of these bands in this list. Though I thought Uncle Tom's Cabin was pretty rockin' for a Warrant tune.
I totally get why people liked them? They just didn't speak to me. Really none of these bands in this list. Though I thought Uncle Tom's Cabin was pretty rockin' for a Warrant tune.
I keep saying “I saw red” is how you write a stupid power ballad. Not even about love, great vocals and killer solo.
lighter GIF
Grunge is my youth so that explains my vote. That said, a weird thing has happened to me as a guitar player over the last few years, I am increasingly more in to 80’s style riffing. 80’s clean is pretty much my home base. (compression, wash of chorus, digital delay) Im familiar with a lot of 80’s glam/hair bands, but I definitely couldn’t go beyond the surface level, and really never listen to much of it, but im drawn to some sort of impression of what I think 80’s riffing was, except in dropped C# and into modern high gain amps. lol

Some of that might just be digging a lot of what Leon and Michael do on their channels, which I then blend with my more modern high gain leanings. (Probably terribly tbh lol)
I'm guessing this sort of might depend on when you grew up. I was in middle school as grunge got big so that will always be my jam and i kinda thought hair metal was too cheesy/dated even though I was able to love early Metallica and Megadeth based on having an older brother giving me albums.

I could see loving hair metal though, I'm sure it was a blast if you were there and had a good coke connect. At least there were chicks at the shows and dudes who tried to look like them lol.
Gotta confess, I had the hair and the look, but with less glam. Kind of like Winger or Slaughter when they stopped using hairspray and spandex, as I was more into the harder bands like Maiden, Megadeth, and Priest. Getting chicks, especially strippers, was easy with that look.

Grunge really bummed me out by the mid-90s. By then, I had to rely more on my personality and found out I had a lack thereof.

I liked Winger…

They were amazing musicians but had to make a living. You know, like Mr. Big and Damn Yankees.

Also, I still think the Cherry Pie album is amazing… except for the stupid title track.
Loved Winger and Damn Yankees. Also liked the Cherry Pie album.

Including the title track.
There is a point where it is blur to put labels to some bands. Better just to enjoy the music without adding labels.

My main intention was to share the video because it has some funny points, like how the instructor doesn't show too much enthusiasm. Just a boring paid job :sleep: I added the poll just for fun.

Anyway, what label do you think we shall put to @2112's Ragdoll? Hair Grunge? ;)
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