Here is the other aspect of it that kills me. Gibson is a luxury brand by virtue of price and history only. They are the most notoriously lacking in QC of the major companies. They are notorious for buying other companies and killing them. They have nothing to do with musicians except the legacy of the brand. No one is as anti innovation. Even when they try to improve anything, you get robot tuners that break left and right.
If they were like Vigier, Anderson, Suhr, or some company that makes the guitar equivalent of a Ferrari, where you don't have look twice at anything to make sure it's made right, that's another story. I still think it's a murderous price worthy of ridicule, but coming from such a piece of shit company, it adds to the insult.
The fact that you can go to any number of other companies to buy a single cut guitar that is actually made well enough to justify the price every single time, the fact that with Gibson you can pay enormous sums and still be subject to the luck of the draw, is unbelievable. For anything that expensive, you should be guaranteed to have the best of the best without question every time.
Whatever money and time they invested in this peak blues lawyer bullshit should've been spent on QC and on repairing their reputation. I'd hire someone to travel the country to go from dealership to dealership to play new Gibsons on the shelf and see what they've done wrong, then fix them or make it right, and never let another lemon out of their factories again.
Clean up the name for a decade, then you can earn the right to charge whatever your greedy little heart desires, but until then, you're just cosplaying the quality that would justify that price. Reputation matters.