Fractal Audio Systems VP4 - Virtual Pedalboard

Just had a 5min play with the vp4 to make the cabling was good / no noise or weirdness... wow... I just dropped in the ambient delay with a studio reverb and it sounds amazing, like stupidly good... I've got it on the floor now with an expression pedal. I'll be figuring out 4cm / pitch shifting Drop Z laser beam FX alongside washy ambient Alexisonfire emo stuff from here on out. It's surpassed my initial expectations (which was frankly pretty high)

I'm pretty sure it can't do 4cm + Stereo Output via SPDIF. If there's a way that would be awesome but I'm just guessing the outputs just mirror the I/O and they're already used up for 4cm. Would be amazing if it could do that but happy camper as is.
Just had a 5min play with the vp4 to make the cabling was good / no noise or weirdness... wow... I just dropped in the ambient delay with a studio reverb and it sounds amazing, like stupidly good... I've got it on the floor now with an expression pedal. I'll be figuring out 4cm / pitch shifting Drop Z laser beam FX alongside washy ambient Alexisonfire emo stuff from here on out. It's surpassed my initial expectations (which was frankly pretty high)

I'm pretty sure it can't do 4cm + Stereo Output via SPDIF. If there's a way that would be awesome but I'm just guessing the outputs just mirror the I/O and they're already used up for 4cm. Would be amazing if it could do that but happy camper as is.
Phat Perms.
Guys like DI and myself are somewhere out in the permaverse.
Me too.

Glow Feels Good GIF by tdhooper
Okay, I'll preface this post by saying this is just my opinion. And I'm a nobody, so no one probably cares what I think anyway. But, I'll dive in anyway. I like hearing about what other people do. It helps me experiment and try new things. But I generally balk whenever anyone says you "must" or you "should" do something a particular way. In my opinion, this can stifle creativity. Guitarists that I admire often find their own sound by doing things their own way. If I'm always trying to be like someone else I'll never find my own voice. That's why I only play in bands that allow me some leeway to put my own spin on things. If they want me to spend hours coping the exact tone and the exact lead line in a song, then I'm trying to be someone else. I'll never be a rock start. I'm 63 and have had surgery in my fretting hand. The rock star boat done sailed for me. But, I can still do my best to cop my own sound and my own style, building on knowledge shared by others. But I'll never tell someone they must do something a particular way, or they are expressing themselves wrong. I might not like what I hear, but I almost always respect someone for attempting to innovate, trying something that's not been done before. Treading into the unknown is where discoveries are made. The next Jimi Hendrix (or Robert Fripp, or Adrien Belew or Alan Holdsworth or Pat Metheny or Pat Martino or EVH) won't become the next Jimi Hendrix by doing things just like someone else. Hendrix's mastery of doing things that no one else did is a big reason why he is still relevant today. Saying "I like" is a lot different than saying "you should" or "you're wrong" unless you're trying to mimic a tone or technique as closely as possible. As stated above, this is just my opinion.

I tried almost every combo of routing I could think of (4cm, analog connections, digital connections, direct analog from loadbox, loadbox to rme then spdif in/out etc)

My primary use is making amp/pedal demos easier —> practicing guitar more fun —> everything else.

All things considered for me having stereo output on fx was more important than 4cm. Ontop of that I’m taking the loadbox to the interface via analog then routing it straight to spdif out to the vp4 and back in. This just means that I can record the loadbox direct or engage the vp4 and mess around, it’s also 2 digital cables which is super easy routing wise. Now that I’ve settled on this I’ll start hacking away on some patches.
I wish there was some way to tell if a block had a expression control for it or a ctrl switch. Like a small icon in the box that has either of those to show.

Has anyone made a request for such feature on fractal forum and where can you make requests? I don't recall seeing a dedicated thread for requests over there?
Guys, I may end up becoming one of them fractal fan boys.... Loving the VP4 like a lot the more I learn and dig in.

@2112 was right on the money when suggesting "head straight to the Plex Delay, Megatap & SFX verbs. Right up your alley!" because those are becoming my favorite, but even things like phaser and what not that I hardly use on helix are creeping up on me in fractal land!

I love that everything has so many parameters to adjust to get the sound you want. Some may find that too much, but I like more options!

I am kinda in the back of my mind wanting a axefx III or fm3 or fm9... send help
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