Fractal Audio Systems VP4 - Virtual Pedalboard

It is here - and it is beautiful! :cool:

Yes, now that you say it, my FM3 was left on the porch w/out a signature, if I remember right. I live in a different area now though, so we'll see.

As followup to this ^^^, FedEx did actually make sure there was a signature and didn't just leave the VP4 on the porch. They left a note + auto-voicemail about where to pick it up. Which, remarkably, all happened on the same day and within a 5-hour period. (With Canada Post, it's always pick up the next day.)
From an on stage pov it would make more sense (to me anyway!) to be able to view what scenes are on what switch or at least be able to choose that. I play in multiple bands and would look to potentially have multiple songs setup for scenes. Once I've set them up correctly i don't really care whether I can see which effects are on in that scene (especially as I can't change what effects are on or off in that screen on stage anyway?) I mean its not a show stopper as I'd probably setup with scene 1 being verse/intro, 2 bridge etc.... but it would be useful if you can feed that back at all if there are discussions ongoing? Or is there anywhere we can feed requests/comments back officially?

This does make sense. Here's another idea: maybe the Scene and Preset modes' display should work the other way around - when switching to Scene mode you see the scenes list, and when selecting a scene you see the main page for a few seconds, allowing you to know which effects are on/off in that scene.
Same thing for the Preset mode.

it looks too many clicks to get to tap tempo screen

You just just need to tap footswitchs 3+4 together (from any mode) to go to the tap tempo screen.
I was talking to a fellow parent of a neurodivergent kid, and he said something that I think is applicable to so many parts of the world:

"Its like my son is keeping intense statistical score of a competition that nobody knows they're competing in."
Well I'm a product manager but I guarantee you everyone involved knows what's what and everyone will keep saying they don't compete because it's the first rule of differentiation.

Again you can pretend it's not true but both are products designed to replace a traditional pedalboard and work in conjunction with an amp. The differences are in the execution, not conceptual. The fractal obviously sounds better, the HXFX is more versatile and can do 4 cable and switch amp channels while the VP4 needs a midi box for that (shows it's slotted in a slightly higher tier). Tbh the only head scratching design decision in the whole product is the lack of a second loop but maybe it was inspired by seeing the TC Pletgora product do well despite having the same shortcomings.
I thought nothing could compete with Fractal in your world?
Have you ever tried having a conversation with other people you disagree with without a strawman? I'm not exactly sure what kind of points you think you're scoring here.

Edit: seeing your reply the answer is no and I don't need this fratty toxicity to poison my toilet time so in the ignore list you go. Enjoy!
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