Fractal Audio Systems mystery product speculation

What is it not it is? Is it?

  • None of the above

  • Electric sex pants

  • Unsliced Bread

  • Prosthetic "tone fingers"

  • JiveTurkey's resolve to "innovate" with audio signal routing

  • Lab grown "safe & guilt-free" toe meat

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I go on vacation for a few weeks and y'all do my UI bickering for me. :hmm

I'll just say what I've said before. The number of parameters is not an issue. Getting to them efficiently is. Axe-Edit is fast. Onboard UI is not.
Back On Track Train GIF by KreativCopy

Thanks sir
(Welcome back)
Global blocks on the Axe Fx III sort of covers this...
10000% disagree. Global blocks is nothing to do with this. We're not talking about updating a block across multiple presets, or making all blocks use the same settings. We're talking about having 100+ variations of a reverb block that we've programmed (or purchased from Fractal?!?!) that we simply want to scroll through without a computer being connected.
I'll just say what I've said before. The number of parameters is not an issue.
No one ever said it was. That was a deliberate misreading of the argument I was putting forth. My argument was not "loads of parameters make it hard bro" ... my argument was that the difficulty of presenting information grows exponentially the more complexity you add to your product and the more scope the feature set has.

For example... think about Helix... now think about the fact that the core DSP platform has to support Floor, LT, Effects, and Stomp .... if a particular idea one of you forum-goers have won't work on the Stomp, then it is very unlikely to make it into Floor.... because their philosophy doesn't account for major differences across each device. I might be speaking out of turn slightly and @Digital Igloo can correct me if he wants, but I would imagine there have been loads of feature ideas and workflow improvements that were nixed or heavily adapted, purely because it had to also exist on smaller more compact bits of hardware.

I'm facing that challenge with some hardware I'm working on right now too!

Simply put: anyone who is thinking that Fractal are going to radically redesign their workflow... well... keep dreaming. It aint happening. There will no doubt be some incremental improvements and some low hanging fruit stuff. I seriously doubt that even Axe FX IV (if it ever happens!!) will address any of the issues too. 1: Cliff doesn't see a lot of it as an issue, and 2: the philosophy and more important the codebase will most likely not support the kind of huge rewrite people are hoping for.

My 2p.
Kotzen is using one on all his gigs to boost his amp and his tone is pure joy so… why not.

I’m left handed and that’s the only thing in the right place and order for me.
Please don’t touch that.

Left handed playing had give me enough dyslexia through the years 🤣
Exactly, Kotzen gets some fine tones out of his rigs, although I believe his choice of amps helps quite a bit.

In my case, I've been using FR5s of the various types and versions for a number of years, primarily as a backup I carry in my gig bag (and which has come in handy several times) but also occasionally for jamming, there are some good tones in there but you have to experiment with the particular unit to find the sweetspots.

The FR5 V2, for instance, allows you to select between Brit or Mesa style OD/distortion, I've found I much prefer the Brit overall, it is less gain-y and has smoother breakup than the Mesa. But every once in a while the Mesa setting is nice to play with... and you sure can't beat them for portability.

TBH, since I purchased a Pod Express, the FR5 hasn't seen that much usage, although the FR5 has a decided edge in controllability compared to the PE.
Exactly. I would never purchase a modeler that I couldn't completely operate just on its own. But in my book additional mobile editors can almost be a godsend.

(Fwiw, there's no mobile editor for the GT-1000 Core - you will have to kinda "jailbreak" things with a WIDI jack to make the BTS app work, from all I remember - and some functions seem to get lost, too.)
I would actually…maybe not if my mainrig is 100% 1 modeling device…but as a “throw in gigbag” or part or a pedal board…if it returns a smaller unit, more physical knobs, lower price…I would be fine with only acces to the bread and butter stuff. (Tonestack, volume, efx mixes). In my mind the thought behind the Kemper player.
Simply put: anyone who is thinking that Fractal are going to radically redesign their workflow... well... keep dreaming. It aint happening.

No idea what could or couldn't happen in FAS land, but that's just another reason for a mobile editor. Everybody and his mum hates the onboard editing but loves Axe Edit. Logical conclusion: Release a mobile Axe Edit version. Pretty much everybody has a tablet these days anyway. Problem solved, onboard editing could stay as awkward as Cliff would like it to be. Win-win.
No idea what could or couldn't happen in FAS land, but that's just another reason for a mobile editor. Everybody and his mum hates the onboard editing but loves Axe Edit. Logical conclusion: Release a mobile Axe Edit version. Pretty much everybody has a tablet these days anyway. Problem solved, onboard editing could stay as awkward as Cliff would like it to be. Win-win.
…or make Axe-Edit a native plugin.

Season 3 Nbc GIF by The Office