Fractal Audio Systems mystery product speculation

What is it not it is? Is it?

  • None of the above

  • Electric sex pants

  • Unsliced Bread

  • Prosthetic "tone fingers"

  • JiveTurkey's resolve to "innovate" with audio signal routing

  • Lab grown "safe & guilt-free" toe meat

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Seriously, can you guys stop it already? This thread makes me want to go back to TOP again.
Ice Cube Friday GIF
Take it as far as the Quad Cortex goes on the unit and then leave the rest to the PC editor.
I wouldn't like that though. I like the depth just as it is, because I do edit deeper stuff on the device. If they were to go touchscreen route, just modernize FM9-Edit a bit more, and for touchscreen, and then put that on the device.
Companion apps instead of real solutions, gross

In all seriousness, the very last place a delicate touch screen belongs to is a club stage floor. Not only that there's a vastly higher risk of damage, no, it's also that, unlike you're a guitar playing dog or ant or whatever, your hands aren't exactly close to that very touchscreen most of the time. In fact, they pretty much never are. You know, this is also why keyboards sit on stands. Or a marimba. They're not placed on the floor for a reason. Right: because they're supposed to be abussd by our greasy paws. With touchscreens it's no different.
So, all things considered, a touchscreen on the floor, making you look like a crawling fool should you have to deal with it inmidst a set, is what I'd call a gross solution. A tablet on a music stand however, placed discretely on the side of the stage is quite something else, namely elegant, easy to use and cost efficient.
I wouldn't like that though. I like the depth just as it is, because I do edit deeper stuff on the device. If they were to go touchscreen route, just modernize FM9-Edit a bit more, and for touchscreen, and then put that on the device.
100% this
Mike Pickens has done a great job with Axe edit just make the screen big enough and responsive maybe even
Cut down the number of options

So you have

Tone is your basic tonestack and power amps controls
Preamp / power amp most used parameters

Tweaks are the mod you can do to that amp model
Change power tubes
Add satauration switch
Fat switch
Tight switch
Bright cap value

Impedance curve
Speaker drive
Ir loader / Dyna cab
Eh. Sort of. Also great for live use. "Wait a minute, ladies and gentlemen. I have to tweak the presence on this amp model I'm using! Let me get my phone......"

Well, that's not how you'd do things. You'd just keep the editor opened on a tablet (which many people are using anyway, be it for sheets, IEM remote controls and what not). Personally, for live performances, I'd actually love to see a performance screen, featuring just the most relevant parameters, maybe even only delivering limited tweaking bandwidth (more kinda like what a modulation is doing).