FAS Echorec patch?

I do appreciate that we are different people with different cultural backgrounds, and quite different tastes,
This is unacceptable.

star trek picard GIF
Heh! I do appreciate that we are different people with different cultural backgrounds, and quite different tastes, but with some overlapping interests and common ground. It's all good. There's plenty of guitar tones that I enjoy that I would never consider dialling in for myself.

But you know... if you really honestly didn't like listening to Echoes at all, I'd find it _very_ hard to understand, given how much you looove those Cheetos.

Echoes is peak Floyd. For me. I could watch that Live at Pompeii everyday and not tire of it. Ever.
Just the interplay of the band and the extended improv gets me everytime. And the tones are
rawer and less..... shall we say, produced.

I think I need to put that on tonight now. :banana
I love all pink floyd but my favorite will always be their last one DIVISION BELL... and sorry I don't call "the endless river" the last one since that was basically just takes from division bell that they didn't use at that time.
Pink Floyd sans Waters was all New-Agey midtempo drivel without any angst or emotional
tension or conflict that made them---for me---so fucking compelling.


Sure Gilmour was having more fun and was allowed to be the uber-laidback and peaceful
dude he probably is, but damn did it get progressively more and more boring musically,
thematically, and conceptually.


I have no business holding such a view, but there it is anyways. :idk

I do, too. Not slagging Gilmour. Just can't help but feel that he indulged some of his
worst/best tendencies without Waters around to piss him off and get under his skin.

There's a certain fire missing from later PF. It's all serotonin and oxytocin, and no
adrenalin, testosterone, or dopamine.