What fender should I be looking at?

You said HM AND an Ultra and I said there is no HM and there isn’t. So read what I said already.
If you can't read that's not my fault. How could you tell if one was assembled in the USA as per Wiki and other online siources? The quote from Fender isn;t clear on that.

If it's the hill you wish to die on - well, go for it, Mr Fig-Jam.
If you can't read that's not my fault. How could you tell if one was assembled in the USA as per Wiki and other online siources? The quote from Fender isn;t clear on that.

If it's the hill you wish to die on - well, go for it, Mr Fig-Jam.
You have not read what I said.
Also the Japan HM had Gotoh tuners and the USA Ultra ( different model ) has the then stock Schaller. That is how you tell and the fact that the regular HM was never made in the USA.