DOD/Digitech Resurgence

So is Cor-Tek the same as Cort or is Cort a brand under Cor-Tek… there was this thing.. unfortunate with employees in a factory or several… that kinda made people angry with Cort…

@Tom Von Kramm have you met them? Do you trust them? Are they genuinely interested? How does all this “feel” to you?

Cat Kitten GIF
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So is Cor-Tek the same as Cort or is Cort a brand under Cor-Tek… there was this thing.. unfortunate with employees in a factory or several… that kinda made people angry with Cort…

@Tom Von Kramm have you met them? Do you trust them? Are they genuinely interested? How does all this “feel” to you?

Cat Kitten GIF
This was a concern, but it was resolved in court and Cort was found to be in the clear. I have met the principals over Zoom (we will meet in person very soon) and I have found them to be very straightforward and interested in only getting the brand back on its feet and on the right path. This is very important to me and I wouldn't join up with anyone iffy say like Music Tribe... ;)

ETA: CorTek is the parent company, Cort is the guitar-building division. The since-resolved labor issue was with Cort not CorTek.
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I've had those feature requests in my lists for a while. The thing to remember is that one of the main reasons the Whammy is successful is its simplicity. I am very reluctant, and cautious, when discussing additional features for the Whammy. So I'm not saying no, I'm saying maybe LOL!
I'll take a maybe :D

Definitely agreed about simplicity. Like everyone else here, I bone around with a ton of gear. But I very often come back to the humble single foot stompbox, for exactly that reason. Simplicity.

Sometimes all the multi-fx, loop-switchers, Strymon menu-after-menu style pedals, and in particular the Boss 500 series... they just get on your tits. Like.... if it can't sound good within a few seconds of tweaking 4 knobs..... sometimes I just don't wanna know!
I can't love what is happening and this thread anymore than I already do. :chef

So thrilled for you (and whatever team ends up surrounding you), Tom. It
shines a light in a bigger way, too, for me, in that it suggests a degree of
redemption is attainable/possible in this world.
Things gone wrong can be made right and whole again. Can I get an "Amen!" :banana
Like I said the other day on the other forum, I can’t think of anything that would improve upon the Freqout, but if one were released with any kind of updates/new features, I’d be first in line to buy it!
I'd be really interested to see some Digitech re-releases of their later pedals. The Polara got incredibly popular after Friedman mentioned them on YouTube. Apparently they had nailed some of the rack reverbs in a compact and cheap used pedal. Of course the Digitech crew got snatched up by Line 6 (smart) and I think they are the ones that worked on the new HX reverbs. Anyways, the Hardwire series of pedals were also really good. It would be neat to see some of their classic designs in traditional pedal enclosures.