Digital Igloo (Eric Klein, YGG)

the general response is , that would be boring for us as a company and not game changing in any way . and in addition would use up resources needed elsewhere

Intriguing set of constraints.

Many PhD candidates wander for years under similar conditions missing great opportunities.

That said, I'm sure there's something unique and interesting in every form factor.
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I have an idea... We could charge $2500-3000 so it's at a completely different price point. Then Helix Floor sales wouldn't be affected. :giggle:
I have an idea... We could charge $2500-3000 so it's at a completely different price point. Then Helix Floor sales wouldn't be affected. :giggle:
You don’t need to. Once you release a smaller Helix, everyone here will complain about how the new one is cramped and they miss the expression pedal … and how small pedals slide around too much, feel like a toy, and how they have to go to the gym to keep up their arm and back strength.
And mojo and feel and how the joystick wasn’t that bad after all.
Ian Mckellen Yadda Yadda GIF by Family Guy
No that joystick is a pending problem just waiting to stop working the day support ends. I really wish companies would stop using things like this because it will fail .
No that joystick is a pending problem just waiting to stop working the day support ends. I really wish companies would stop using things like this because it will fail .
Well if I was president I would mandate that all buttons we stomp on with our feet, or press 1000 times more than the rest of the buttons on the device, are all easily replaceable (and solderless if I get elected for a second term).
What about the HX Effects hardware doesn’t allow it to have amp modeling? It has dynamic DSP allocating arch, no?

The answer better not be something like “no headphone jack” hmph haha
I mean yeah, it has no headphone jack, which you gotta admit is a pretty big one. No Volume knob is another big one. It also has no audio interface, no variable impedance on the input (in retrospect, a mistake), the signal flow view—which is pretty critical in amp modelers—is hidden in a menu by design, something that size with full modeling capabilities should probably have XLR outs, and the two biggest ones:
  • There's no elegant UI for selecting, browsing, or editing amps and cabs unless you first assign them to stomps (which would make absolutely no sense)
  • There's (almost) no need to deal with dynamic DSP allocation; that is, 98% of the time, you can put whatever effect you want onto any switch. At the time, managing your DSP was an alien concept for almost all pedalboard-centric guitarists. (It still is for most)
As HX Effects was meant to be a 9-block successor for M13 and M9, we knew from the beginning that it would never have amps or cabs. So we specifically designed the hardware and UI/UX around effects only. But at the same time, we wanted a tiny 6-block Helix for pedalboard guitarists, which is why HX Stomp was developed in parallel, with an audio interface, headphone jack, no amp control outputs, and a UI that brings the signal flow and amp/cab selection/browsing/editing to the forefront. Because we knew it would have amps and cabs.
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To me, HX Effects™ "box" would be a great form factor for a new product (I feel the same about old M-audio Blackbox, especially its screen, imagine a Blackbox 2025 with profiles player).
I mean yeah, it has no headphone jack, which you gotta admit is a pretty big one. It also has no audio interface, no variable impedance on the input (in retrospect, a mistake), the signal flow view—which is pretty critical in amp modelers—is hidden in a menu by design, something that size with full modeling capabilities should probably have XLR outs, and the two biggest ones:
  • There's no elegant UI for selecting, browsing, or editing amps and cabs unless you first assign them to stomps (which would make absolutely no sense)
  • There's (almost) no need to deal with dynamic DSP allocation; that is, 98% of the time, you can put whatever effect you want onto any switch. At the time, managing your DSP was an alien concept for almost all pedalboard-centric guitarists. (It still is for most)
As HX Effects was meant to be a 9-block successor for M13 and M9, we knew from the beginning that it would never have amps or cabs. So we specifically designed the hardware and UI/UX around effects only. But at the same time, we wanted a tiny 6-block Helix for pedalboard guitarists, which is why HX Stomp was developed in parallel, with an audio interface, headphone jack, no amp control outputs, and a UI that brings the signal flow and amp/cab selection/browsing/editing to the forefront. Because we knew it would have amps and cabs.
I meeeean, those are some UX reasons that amp modeling would not be the best in the HX Effects, sure. But not quite the spirit of the initial inquiry IMO. Thx for the thorough answer anyway, @Orvillain there ya go.
If the HX Stomp XL could do 6 snapshots and have eight MIDI slots per preset instead of the current six, it would be perfect IMHO, at least for my usage. I'd throw in amp switching as well, but then I'd assume it would be cutting too much into the LT's territory.
Hi DI and forumers. I wonder if some binaural or spatializer effects, with azimuth and elevation controls like DearVR Pro 2 proposes, is "in development" for Helix ecosystem, and what you think about it ?
I love binaural for mixing, but for a device mostly thought for live usage, I don't think it would be a high priority for the development team.
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I agree molul, but as a vst, put after an ampsim like native, a binaural/spatializer can give an "amp in a room" feel. A module "anechoic chamber" might be a way to reach the musician's Grail... I don't know.
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Hi DI and forumers. I wonder if some binaural or spatializer effects, with azimuth and elevation controls like DearVR Pro 2 proposes, is "in development" for Helix ecosystem, and what you think about it?
I'm a fan of Dolby ATMOS for film and even for music in some respects, but the whole immersive experience for guitar still really really relies on one's playback system. Unless you have an ATMOS-worthy system, the whole exercise is pointless IMO.

For simpler setups like what DearVR does, maybe? There's a big assumption that users will have a playback system worthy of that as well, and in our experience that's rarely the case. I can imagine all sorts of calls to CS wondering why their binaural effects aren't working, only for us to discover they're listening through a mono PA speaker. Maybe it makes the most sense to actually build into the playback system instead? Not sure.

It's fun to think about tho'.