Digital Igloo (Eric Klein, YGG)

the general response is , that would be boring for us as a company and not game changing in any way . and in addition would use up resources needed elsewhere

Intriguing set of constraints.

Many PhD candidates wander for years under similar conditions missing great opportunities.

That said, I'm sure there's something unique and interesting in every form factor.
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I have an idea... We could charge $2500-3000 so it's at a completely different price point. Then Helix Floor sales wouldn't be affected. :giggle:
I have an idea... We could charge $2500-3000 so it's at a completely different price point. Then Helix Floor sales wouldn't be affected. :giggle:
You don’t need to. Once you release a smaller Helix, everyone here will complain about how the new one is cramped and they miss the expression pedal … and how small pedals slide around too much, feel like a toy, and how they have to go to the gym to keep up their arm and back strength.
And mojo and feel and how the joystick wasn’t that bad after all.
Ian Mckellen Yadda Yadda GIF by Family Guy
No that joystick is a pending problem just waiting to stop working the day support ends. I really wish companies would stop using things like this because it will fail .
No that joystick is a pending problem just waiting to stop working the day support ends. I really wish companies would stop using things like this because it will fail .
Well if I was president I would mandate that all buttons we stomp on with our feet, or press 1000 times more than the rest of the buttons on the device, are all easily replaceable (and solderless if I get elected for a second term).