In my Audient Evo4, the real value (measured by 2 different methods at 16.2 dBu) differs quite a lot to the official number stated in the user manual (+10 dBu).
They don´t seem to pay much attention to these specs.
Dude... DUDE!!!!
I have the same interface and I hadn't put too much thought into the need for measuring the input cause hey, we already have the value in the manual right?
I had already transitioned from 'turn it up until it's clipping...' to 'put it in zero and trust the given values' but still something wasn't sounding right to my ears when using amp sims (Helix Native, Neural DSP, NAM etc.)
I finally had a chance to try the measurement with a voltmeter (though an old one); lo and behold! The level after measurement for my Audient Evo4 is a whooping 14.6 dBu! The manual states that it's actually 10 dBu... I don't know why it differs so much; maybe there is something wrong with my unit. But they really fudged it up by putting the wrong number in the manual, since Sedaxel had a different value as well.
@MirrorProfiles thank you very much again (and of course,
@James Freeman) for keeping this thread going and helping people. Maybe the value for the Audient Evo4 needs to be updated in the Google Sheets table. I don't trust the voltmeter I used that much and if
@Sedaxel found the same value twice, I think that should be the norm value for this unit.
And after trying the value Sedaxel gave, playing with 16.2 really opens up the amp sims now. Btw that value is also the same as Audient ID22, I wonder if they mixed it up in the manual-writing stage... Now I have to try all those presets and NAM profiles again with the correct measurement.