I like how they kind of make the light a bigger target.
Im sure its partially just honeymoon phase, but this thing is hella-capable and for the ridiculously low tuning I play in the X high gain amps are insanely clear sounding compared to anything in the HX models. IRs sound “off” to me (like power amp modeling only happens when you have stock cabs) but I haven’t really felt like I need them, either. But the X-Titan especially has an almost unnatural clarity and saturation in the low end that is kind of awesome. I can play big stack root-M6 intervals and hear both octaves clearly. I don’t know what exactly MDP is doing, but I think I like it. It’s definitely replacing the Helix LT for live use with one of my bands (as long as there aren’t stupid noise issues when we play in a couple of weeks).