Boss GT-1000 (and possibly other things Boss...)

I perfectly understand what you want. And I'd support it. But Boss likely won't.
Still, the HX devices situation has been more miserable for me.
I’d rather improvise a shade a couple times a year than have to program lights for every preset I want to use live. I am going to try to contact support and see if I’m missing something, but I apparently can’t just email the a question without an account and a device registered.
An observation: Because of the horrible editing situation, I find myself to never touch the GT patches (and create new ones) "for fun".
I'm right now trying to consolidate the 4-5 banks I plan to use (and most patches will even be almost identical in these banks) and then just call it a day.
This is actually quite interesting because I happen to think of that as a sort of relief, even if it's caused by the miserable state of Boss' software.
All that has been fundamentally different with the HX Floor (and partially the Stomp), with plugins or even some side-dishes (such as the MS-50). Especially the HX Floor, combining an incredible amount of options with a great user tweaking experience, pretty much invites you to check out all sorts of things, even if you end up never using any of those things.
With the GT it's fundamentally different, I really only touch it if I have to. For me there's just no joy to be found in the patch creation process at all. Yes, it's sort of amazing that you can achieve plenty of things, but it's just no fun getting there.
And as said, this actually turns out to become a positive thing as I just play and pretty much only ever alter FX1-4, Chorus and the Master Delay. all the rest is already organized in global blocks or happening externally anyway. Quite liberating.
Now all I need to do is to find out whether my current "master patch topology" will be the one that I will really stick with.
@Sascha Franck btw, about "poor boss software". I not tried mobile app (in best scenario my BT midi plugs will be delivered today!) but i tried main app on a desktop.
I faced same issue like you w/ IR: unfriendly IR upload logic (select a file, wait for upload, name it). Preset modding logic is quite good. The rest i haven't checked yet.. can you list few main issues you have w/ boss desktop app? (if it's related to desktop and not to mobile one).
I'm digging into their API and personally i wanna try to remake at least the IR loader (i hate integrated one, it's long wasting time dumbass module).
An observation: Because of the horrible editing situation, I find myself to never touch the GT patches (and create new ones) "for fun".
I'm right now trying to consolidate the 4-5 banks I plan to use (and most patches will even be almost identical in these banks) and then just call it a day.
This is actually quite interesting because I happen to think of that as a sort of relief, even if it's caused by the miserable state of Boss' software.
All that has been fundamentally different with the HX Floor (and partially the Stomp), with plugins or even some side-dishes (such as the MS-50). Especially the HX Floor, combining an incredible amount of options with a great user tweaking experience, pretty much invites you to check out all sorts of things, even if you end up never using any of those things.
With the GT it's fundamentally different, I really only touch it if I have to. For me there's just no joy to be found in the patch creation process at all. Yes, it's sort of amazing that you can achieve plenty of things, but it's just no fun getting there.
And as said, this actually turns out to become a positive thing as I just play and pretty much only ever alter FX1-4, Chorus and the Master Delay. all the rest is already organized in global blocks or happening externally anyway. Quite liberating.
Now all I need to do is to find out whether my current "master patch topology" will be the one that I will really stick with.
The frequency in which someone edits stuff…is probably a driver if of how important UI for editing is for the individual.

Personally I don’t like setting up sounds to begin with, I keep it at minimal, so I have never been bothered by any UI tbh. I can appreciate a good one, sure, but it has never a buying reason, or major annoyance. Maybe cause I started digital with Korg m4 / digitech 2101…if you can handle that…everything of today is a breeze ;)

To me UI is important with regards to what footswitches can do, and what I can do with physical knobs on the fly..but that’s another perspective then editing/setting up sounds.
I can’t say I find either the onboard UI or the editor difficult to use (other than the previously mentioned poorly labeled parameters.
Boss GT-1000 Core + Bluetooth?
Yezz, w/ M-Vave MS1. I paid mine 14.84€ on AliExpress, that's ¼ of CME WIDI lol!

Also it have internal battery, no power noise will enter the device (in fact that's the reason why i tried this device, cause it have internal battery).

Named bit weird (guess GT-1000 style). But it works 😁

To connect you need DIN5-trs adapter type A (2-3€ piece). I got adapters with wrong pinout so i resoldered them into type A (they sent me audio trs, so i refunded it).

Upd: and very compact!


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It's rated 9v & 0.5A, boss's rated 9v & 2A.
GX100 current draw from specs is 1.2A. You will fuckup that small psu & your boss when the psu will die.
Also.. i read on that forum sick stuff, kind of "i plugged my helix in a charger and it doesn't work anymore i'm not sure about polarity" trash.

You must use only PSU which cover needs of your device & made for digital pulse loads.

Hey thanks for your reply.
I know that the small Boss supply may be underrated for the GX-100, and I didn't intend to recommend using it for the GX-100.
It was just, that I remember having read somewhere, someone tested some other supply with a little more than 500mA capability and had it work flawlessly with the GX-100. And so did the small Boss one with my GX 100, but I wouldn't want to use it longer and/or under live or even band practise conditions. It's probably gonna overheat quite fast.
So this was simply a "proof" that the big Boss supply is noisy with the GX-100.
When your device aren't grounded (you play with headphones / you plugged it into a laptop / you plugged it into poweramp w/o ground) you can connect ground to it.

This screw is used to ground device. When i use my boss w/ headphones i connect ground wire on that screw (i added a crocclip here for fast connect/disconnect btw). It remove all the ugly asf noise.

Simple ground wire from your electric socket. If you don't know what is it - ask from people who know, cause there are 2 more wired that can burn your device & your ass with.
Well I'd be using the GX-100 in front of a properly grounded tube amp.
Don't know much about the innards of the Boss and its grounding scheme, but the issue with a typical grounding-induced hum/buzz grounding was most likely caused by a ground loop.
I had everything connected via signal cables AND switching cables between:
- amp (signal, and channel switching by the GX 100)
- GX-100 (signal, and switching of amp and relay bypass looper)
- relay bypass looper (signal, and switching by the GX 100)
...AND all this powering off of only one power supply. Well I know, this may not the "official" way to do it, but since Ihad good experiences with daisy chaning pedals with the small Boss supply, I thought, let's just try this.

As expected I had the hum/buzz, which I solved by putting a Joyo ZGP in the 9V line feeding the relay pypass looper. Dead quiet! Also works with the big Boss supply, but this setup still has the noise component in the 500...800Hz region, which I also have only putting the GX-100 for itself in front of the amp.

Well, while getting back in touch now with the GX 100 after a few months, I rapidly start to get sick of browsing through menus and parameters AGAIN. Although I get along quite well with it, nothing can beat simple stomboxes for intuitivity, at least for me. So I might get rid of my GX-100 soon anyway... maybe ...

Ok, enough for the hijacking (well, which I started ... kinda...). :grin
Well I'd be using the GX-100 in front of a properly grounded tube amp.
Don't know much about the innards of the Boss and its grounding scheme, but the issue with a typical grounding-induced hum/buzz grounding was most likely caused by a ground loop.
I had everything connected via signal cables AND switching cables between:
- amp (signal, and channel switching by the GX 100)
- GX-100 (signal, and switching of amp and relay bypass looper)
- relay bypass looper (signal, and switching by the GX 100)
...AND all this powering off of only one power supply. Well I know, this may not the "official" way to do it, but since Ihad good experiences with daisy chaning pedals with the small Boss supply, I thought, let's just try this.

As expected I had the hum/buzz, which I solved by putting a Joyo ZGP in the 9V line feeding the relay pypass looper. Dead quiet! Also works with the big Boss supply, but this setup still has the noise component in the 500...800Hz region, which I also have only putting the GX-100 for itself in front of the amp.

Well, while getting back in touch now with the GX 100 after a few months, I rapidly start to get sick of browsing through menus and parameters AGAIN. Although I get along quite well with it, nothing can beat simple stomboxes for intuitivity, at least for me. So I might get rid of my GX-100 soon anyway... maybe ...

Ok, enough for the hijacking (well, which I started ... kinda...). :grin
If you have multiple grounded devices (lets say they are all have 3 pin powers and grounded connections between each other "by design") working together, you have to plug them all in the same power multisocket adapter. Ideally keep rolled in O their cords to reduce the surface of ground and catch less shit with.

  • plug multiple grounded devices together into same power multisocket adapter
  • roll cords into O to reduce "surface^2" and cord's length

Your power multisocket you can plug where you want. It's a center of your ground star.

P.S. O and short cables to reduce ground loop surface^2.
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Ok, more questions, lol. The manuals are definitely missing some details. So stompboxes. I get the idea, super convenient. In BTS though, you can’t see the already-named stompboxes when you’re saving a new one? So the only way to know you’re on an empty slot is remember how many you’ve used before you save a new one?
And each block has 10 slots for except Distortion 1/2 share a library, amp 1/2 share a library, EQ 1-4 share a library, and Delay 1-4 share a library?
Is this accurate?
In BTS though, you can’t see the already-named stompboxes when you’re saving a new one? So the only way to know you’re on an empty slot is remember how many you’ve used before you save a new one?

Yes, it's that stupid.
Well, you can temporarily use the "copy to patch" function to see a list (and then cancel). That's what I do. Still incredibly stupid of Boss.

And each block has 10 slots for except Distortion 1/2 share a library, amp 1/2 share a library, EQ 1-4 share a library, and Delay 1-4 share a library?
Is this accurate?

That seems correct.