Oh, fwiw, I bought nothing this BF.
My 2023 gear purchases might be even more amazing. All over 2023, I bought one (1!) single piece of music equipment, namely a 2nd hand Friedman BE-OD. That was it. No guitars. No amps. No other pedals. No modelers. Not even strings or picks (bought a whole truckload in 2022). I may refresh the stock of the latter next week, but it wouldn't be necessary. I think I have never bought that little amount of equipment in an entire year ever since I'm playing. 4 reasons:
- I'm too poor (I'm actually not exactly, but I do have to look after my money - and I've got two boys aged 8 and 13, so that's where a lot of the good old dough goes...).
- As a result of the above, I need to make informed decisions. And once you start doing so, you'll automatically purchase way less. Sure, there's GAS and what not. But then there's "What will I actually be using that ToneX (one of the things I really GAS'ed after) for?" - "Uh, no idea..." So there.
- Pretty much absolutely happy with what I have, at least for the most part. And getting the most out of things was a long forgotten virtue that I'm rediscovering now.
- Will have to get rid of some stuff before I really need something new. That stuff has piled up over the decades and flipping gear isn't as easy over here than in other parts of the world.
Maybe I should be banned from gear forums because I'm not worthy.