Been thinking about this one for a while... incoming ngd!!


TGF Recording Artist
So way back when we got those covid stimmy checks I put a little into crypto like a total idiot. It immediately crashed lol... like for years hahaha. It finally got back to a little more than I put in so I sold it and got this rad Mayones that I've been dreaming about for years. Figured life is short having guitars is better than not having them haha.

We will see if it lives up to what I've built it up to in my head lol. I've always loved the look of back neck pocket and overall the shape just calls me for some reason. It does have fishman open cores though. I'll see if I like them or will swap em

Mayones Regius Gothic 6


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Mayones are really good apart from the Setius and that’s not bad it’s just not as good as the other ones. I am a big fan of the Hydra and Duvell
That looks great 🤘🏻
Wow! That's sweet. Probably way too much guitar for Hardcore shows where people
inevitably break shit on the regular, though. :LOL:

Congrats, Man! :banana

When does it arrive?
Thanks! Monday

Yea won't be for every show but if there is a like a barrier or a crazy thing like an actual stage lol I'd probably play it. We're going back to record soon too, always nice to have a few different options for that. Just has been a guitar I've oggled over for years now so might as well shit or get off the pot.
Congrats!!! Mayones are tough to beat, man, I'm fairly certain you're going to love it long time! :chef

If not, I'm game for you to give it to me. :pickle:grin:banana
Congrats! Looks amazing!

What are your go-to pickups and what do you think would be a great candidate if you decide to swap fishmans?

btw its back is very rounded. Does it slips when playing seated?
played it last night for a while. i love it. like really love it. dude must have had it in a similar tuning bc it didnt need much setup.

pickups sound pretty good but that was just through my practice setup. rehearsal is weds this week so we will see how they sound through my actual amp. i think if i did swap them out id go with something passive more low output, kinda over hot pickups these days but we will see if thats even necessary.

i didnt really have any issues playing it seated.
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played it last night for a while. i love it. like really love it. dude must have had it in a similar tuning bc it didnt need much setup.

pickups sound pretty good but that was just through my practice setup. rehearsal is weds this week so we will see how they sound through my actual amp. i think if i did swap them out id go with something more low output, kinda over hot pickups these days but we will see if thats even necessary.

i didnt really have any issues playing it seated.
I think it looks awesome. This is one of the modern guitars I'd love to have. To go along with your line of thought a little more specifically; I am over every guitar company thinking I want a Fishman in everything. Stop it.
Slee; how does it play compared to something it's in "competition" with (Ibanez shredder, Jackson, etc.)?

honestly I have only played low level jacksons and i know its criminal but i don't have much experience with ibbys at all beyond playing them in stores. i also dont wanna honeymoon gush at this point either after just one night of playing it please so give me like a few weeks and ill try to share my thoughts once ive cooled down a bit. i need to do a vid with this one and the EGC.

its a really beautiful guitar though, very fun and inspirational to play. the neck flows great going from 010101 chugs to high notes way up the neck is quick and i like the spacing between strings. feels like it fits me really well.
Interested to see how it goes for you at a practice. IIRC; you play bigger guitars with Gibson scale usually? I am assuming this is going to have the 25.5 scale so that would be a difference. Definitely report back \m/