This is of slight concern to me, calling myself a metal player would be a big stretch but definitely get a bit chuggy like 15-20% of the time lol. I suppose I could always rig up some more complex switching to one tap channel changing and a boost at the same time though. At the same time I've found some clips that seem to demonstrate enough gain/bottom end/sizzle that I -think- might do the trick for my needs. Always hard to tell with YT videos tho lol
Oops, I wrote this earlier and didn't hit "post":
Yeah, it's hard to know until trying it yourself, as you know. But I think it's definitely an amp worth trying and experiencing, even if you end up moving it on, especially for a Mesa lover/connoisseur like yourself.
A few other general points from my experience (been my #1 amp for 7 years now):
- master volume is comically loud VERY early on the dial; like I've I've done pretty loud gigs with it set to just 7:30-8 o'clock; we also rehearse quite loud, in a big room with high ceilings, and I never have it above 9:30 (although I'm using a Mesa 4x12 in that situation

- also requires a surgeon's touch to make quick adjustments while playing, the slightest movement can cause a big jump in volume
- I much prefer the amp with V30s, they give it the upper-mid kerrang it needs; find it way too dark and tubby with C90s
- blue crunch is the money channel for me, I could live there all my life (basically do)
- but in addtion to that, the clean channel is immense and really, really great; some use it as a pedal platform
- some noted Electra Dyne lovers: Kim Thayil, Bruce Springsteen (he replaced his Mark III of 30 years with it, interestingly); I think Thayil uses it just for the cleans, but I think others have corrected me on that? Read that somwewhere, at some point, though.
- early versions of the amp don't have the trim function you're asking about, that was added after release to help balance out the channels; so I would check and make sure this one has it
- spring reverb is great, but if you want it defeated on crunch, it will be on clean + hi gain, can't have it on clean only