Mesa Mids are not Marshall mids.

And those iconic Marshall upper mids are
not very evident in the Dyne, in my experience. That makes it great for people who
don't like Marshalls.
I don't think there is much Marshall in the Dyne, to be honest. It is British inspired,
and I feel like Mesa has tried to hit that Americanized Marshall thing a few times
over the years. Brightest and most cutting of those being the Stilettos. Darkest
and most full bodied being the Dyne. The Royal Atlantic is somewhere in the
middle of those two. To my ears.
Also, and a big deal for me would be running EL34sa in the Dyne to lop off
a touch of the low-end and bring in a bit more Mids if someone is wanting more
of the Brit-flavour and less of that scooped American thing with 6L6s.
$800 is a great deal. I sold my Dyne a few years ago for $850. I don't really miss
it, though, as the amp was both too big (sonically) and too dark for my ears.
In a trio that big-bodied vibe can be a godsend. For me, in a bigger group with
competing instruments I am not into having a massive/full spectrum amp that
gobbles up too much room.