Amplitube 5


This model is excellent IMO, a very good representation of the real amp and POSSIBLY my favourite on any platform when all things are considered (price, GUI, features, sound, plugin etc). One important thing to consider is for some reason they made the knobs go from 1-10 rather than 0-10:

View attachment 9150
View attachment 9151

so you have to factor in that difference when setting things up if you are familiar with the real thing.

As far as input level goes, the amp is capable of a very wide range of tones so you may find it less fussy. It also makes it a bit harder to determine the correct level. I do feel at 12dBu or so, its a bit undergained. Going closer to 0dBu seems more appropriate but until IK clarify, WHO KNOWS?

Some quick tones with an input headroom of 11.4dBu and the input trim on the plugin set to 12.2dB:

the Amplitube Mesa sound pretty good,im thinking to get the Mesa pack 2,Ik should give a discount for people that bought the Amplitube Max
the Amplitube Mesa sound pretty good,im thinking to get the Mesa pack 2,Ik should give a discount for people that bought the Amplitube Max

I got AT5 MAX as an upgrade and got 15 Jam Points. If you paid full price you got a lot more. MB2 is 99.99, so if you use 30 Jam Points (30%) it's $70. There's the discount.
IK: You've been a customer for over a decade, but fuck you, you can only use your jampoints 30% at a time.
Their AI research and development project was some sort of internal program designed to figure out how to ensure their bucks/points system is maximally enticing for getting people to buy shit and minimally beneficial in terms of reducing the money the buyer spends in doing so.
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IIC+, Mark III and Mark IV all seem to want slightly lower input levels than some of the ones I’ve mentioned recently. My guess is they hover around -3dBu to 0dBu, but WHO KNOWS?

Certainly doesn’t seem like anyone at IK is able to provide any better information than my stabs in the dark.

If you love Mark series amps, Amplitube really does give you the best experience of the UI and features if each amp. For some reason their knobs go from 1-10 rather than 0-10 so gotta be careful if you’re familiar with the real amps.
This should provide a chuckle for some.

I think for accurate(ish) levels of gain the Z Wreck needs an input headroom of -23dBu. For my 11.4dBu input, that means I am boosting 23.6dB, and even then I'm not sure its quite enough gain. Its a Trainwreck style circuit (which have an awesome gain character, check Pete Thorns Trainwreck video for a sense of the way the harmonics stack up). They are not clean amps at all, its a very particular kind of gain that still cleans up.

Using these videos as a reference:

Does anyone at IK care about the user experience?
One more while Peter is busy.

Mesa TA-30. Never seen or played one so total guesswork again.

This one seems to be around -3dBu for the correct range of tones on both channels. This amp has several modes on each channel with various gain responses and modes. If you supply this with the wrong level, you'll never get the tones in the video below:

PLEASE IK, give us some more accurate information. Its absurd I'm going to these lengths. Who do I bill my time to?
Trainwreck style circuit. They are not clean amps at all, its a very particular kind of gain that still cleans up.
The Trainwreck circuit relies on heavy preamp B+ sag to create the huge clean-to-distortion range by playing with your guitar volume control.
If the power supply is not emulated properly you're not going to get that gain range.

Also, don't waste your nerve, you're not going to get any useful information from IK.