Allan Holdsworth 1974


Rock Star
A full year before 1975's Kiss Alive made every kid want to be Ace.

The dude knows nothing but alien scales and he's got about a million chords in his back pocket, so a lot of his music was simply too weird for a lot of people, but from a pure technical standpoint some of the licks he works into this solo are just in-human. It's one thing for your brain to come up with that stuff in a micro-second but for your fingers to just pull it off with such speed and fluidity........

He's one of the players that just grows on you the more you listen, at least for me anyways. Playing and composition.
Just brilliant and totally original.
I met Allan three times over the years. Once about gear and on one occasion he was up for a chat (in the bar) about his approach and how he was sick of people playing bebop licks regurgitated from the past and how you should sound like yourself . The last time just a quick acknowledgement at a gig but I couldn't hang around after.