A lot of people will disagree with my hardware modeler ranking

You'll probably get some criticism for that, but I do think one of the things Helix could improve on is the low end punch and presence. I know from a mix standpoint you don't want a lot of low end in there, but there's kind of a deep bass push that helps with the feel. John Cordy did some videos on this a while back adding in a big bump in the very low end. I think it may be related to speaker impedance curves as those have a resonant frequency peak around 100 Hz.

This is what made my MX5 sound more "real" and punchy as well. Something similar to the image below:


I believe people refer to this as "James Freeman EQ" in the other forum..
You'll probably get some criticism for that, but I do think one of the things Helix could improve on is the low end punch and presence. I know from a mix standpoint you don't want a lot of low end in there, but there's kind of a deep bass push that helps with the feel. John Cordy did some videos on this a while back adding in a big bump in the very low end. I think it may be related to speaker impedance curves as those have a resonant frequency peak around 100 Hz.
He was placing an EQ between the amp and IR with ~100Hz pushed up. You can get interesting results with this though I still think adjustable impedance curve behavior is better as it’s non linear behavior that you can’t really replicate with static EQ.
This is what made my MX5 sound more "real" and punchy as well. Something similar to the image below:

View attachment 27342

I believe people refer to this as "James Freeman EQ" in the other forum..
Depending on the context this is also know as the Dunning-Kruger-Effect curve (context: chuckleheads) or the Hype Cycle (context: NDSP QC). ;)
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This is what made my MX5 sound more "real" and punchy as well. Something similar to the image below:

View attachment 27342

I believe people refer to this as "James Freeman EQ" in the other forum..
Correct, and that's just one part of the process. You have to take into account what amp emulation you use (a Fender is not the same as a Dual Rectifier), the dimensions of the cabinet, whether it's open or closed, and the speaker model. Everything has an influence, I'd like to see Helix implement this in their factory cabs, for example.
Anyone who wants to can try it on their Helix. In this case I made real Cabs specifically for the Helix Matchstick with H30 + Greenbacks speakers. I'll be happy to send them to you by email.


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Everytime I try a Line6 product, I think.. ehhh, I`ll keep my Axe Fx (Helix, and 2 times the Stomp)
Everytime I try a Fractal Audio product I think... sounds good, hard to use, and the endless updates that did brink my presets
Everytime I turn on my Quad Cortex I think... I did the right thing, selling the Axe Fx I had

I just love the option of captures, and the option to have 4 capture or more in a row. It`s easy to use, and looks sexy

I have owned 7 Line6 products, Pod, Pod rack, X3 live, Spider Valve, Helix, Stomp, Stomp, and I think I can say, that it will take A LOT for me to buy another one
I have owned 3 Fractal Audio products, Axe Fx Ultra, Axe Fx II & MFC-101. If Fractal get a Capture option, I will get one to try out!
I had a Axe Fx III on loan while I also had my Quad Cortex to test, but ended up not sending back the QC

So far, I like my tone better with the QC, for Guitar and for Bass

But this is just my journey the last 12 years
Since we somewhat agree on your summary, I'll simply add the reliability component and one other thing that will cause this forum to explode.

1) device reliability
-I have had many Line 6 devices and never ever had a problem with hangs or crashes. I did have a Line 6 LT and the pedal broke and Line 6 even fixed it outside of the warranty period
-Kemper - outside of a firmware update crash - it was totally reliable
-FAS - I have had regular crashes where the audio on my AX3 and FM9 will hang due to either too much fiddling with core parameters or high cpu lockout
-QC - I had to return a unit because it was completely unstable. I tried another one earlier this year but felt uneasy because it still seemed too buggy. Audio drops, output level fluctuation. The included power supply is still a joke

2) Can of worms open.
For some reason this is seldom talked about and I'm not sure why.
There are plenty of complaints about the dated UI for Fractal but I don't see much talk about the block versioning.
Before you go shitting on me, I do feel that the Axefx is clearly the most capable device around with respect to effects and routing, and it does sound great...and then better...and then not.. and then better again after re-tooling.

The biggest pain point for the Fractal ecosystem for me is the versioning anomalies and the sheer amount of code changes/revisions. The fine tuning needed to maintain staying current can be overwhelming.
One could also stay on the current code but new versions also include bug fixes so sometimes it may be in your best interests to upgrade despite being completely content with your sounds. Changes sometimes happen that change the behaviors of the underlying algorithms that affect almost everything......and (here it is), after upgrading, you can actually have effects blocks that still show the parameters from the older code versions if you don't manually reset those blocks.

For example if you have a preset that was last saved with older block versions (ex. fw22) they, and that version's parameter controls, will stay in tact until you either manually refresh the blocks or if you are creating a new preset from scratch.
This is tremendously confusing, as there is no way to tell which version of each block is currently running.

Here is my best example. I have a preset that I made 5 copies of so that I could tinker with different things. Over time, this has ended up with one of the presets having a FW22 reverb, another for Fw23 reverb and so on. That's just the reverb. This can happen across the gamut.
There is no visible version mapping per block so I really don't know which version of each of the different blocks are running. More specifically, there are different dials on each of the reverb blocks now. Older blocks will show the controls that were available in that version, newer blocks will show the up to date dials. As I said, the blocks can be manually refreshed to use the new versioning or if you create a new preset and choose that reverb, the new controls will be revealed. However, in some cases, I prefer the preset with the older blocks. ffs.
You can even copy an old reverb block and paste it to a new preset and then it's back on the old parameters. It's mind numbing and the only product that I know that does this.

Like I said, this is my biggest gripe.
For those that create simple presets and/or only maintain a few core sounds that might not seem like a big deal.
Some people just use an amp and cab block. For me, I use kitchen sink presets mostly that are fully populated with multiple phasers, reverbs, chorus, pitch, amps... In the end, I have no available preset slots so revamping 1024 presets is a lot of fun. I spend more time f'ing around than anything else. Not to forget every new firmware update might have a new bug that will need fixing. For those that actually sell presets, I can only imagine how they try to keep up with things for their customers.

This is the underlying reason why I rank the Fractal behind the QC and the Kemper. I would categorize this as an 'ease of use' problem.

Since this is a heavily trafficked forum for Fractal users, I'll expect they'll cry out to defend their product. I've owned all of the platforms and I'm just casting my opinion. I currently still have an FM9 and AXE3 but after upgrading to 27 I saw no real benefit so I downgraded back to FW25.
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This whole thing is entirely subjective really. I can't fathom how people still regard Kemper as a competitor. It sounded shit in 2015, let alone almost 2025 !!

And I've already been through the "random forumer trying to get me fired for the way I talk online" nonsense. People are...

Sad Gordon Ramsay GIF by Hell's Kitchen