A lot of people will disagree with my hardware modeler ranking

Well maybe one of you non-corporate unbound and unobligated folks who already did the digging on the fractal forum can shed some light on this for lazy fucks like Tim and I?

You’re new to this stuff, aren’t you…
i guess so. Whats interesting is i asked a while ago if any line 6 guys have say a fractal and like it better then their line6 stuff...I know a friend who works for ford in ev engineering dept but drives a tesla and says he thinks its a better car...i expected him to drive a mustang ev..or lightening but he didnt care for them


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Exactly. He doesn’t “need” to follow the rules, but everybody knows he works for Line 6. As such, it behooves him to conduct himself in a manner that will not make the person who signs his paycheck unhappy.
The world is getting smaller and smaller due to connectivity.. why make enemies ..the next thing you know, people are offering you a job based on your knowledge and the way you conduct yourself publicly.
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i guess so. Whats interesting is i asked a while ago if any line 6 guys have say a fractal and like it better then their line6 stuff...I know a friend who works for ford in ev engineering dept but drives a tesla and says he thinks its a better car...i expected him to drive a mustang ev..or lightening but he didnt care for them

Did your friend post his thoughts on a social media site where his coworkers and bosses might see it?
isnt it just a bunch of guys opinions? So what sue me for my opinion now?

I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice.

It is unlikely that you would be sued for your opinions because you are representing your personal opinions. Digital Igloo declares himself as a representative of Line6. If he made disparaging statements about a competitor's product it could be construed as tortious interference and Line6 might get sued based on those statements. Sometimes wealthy and litigious companies will take their competitors to court even when they have no chance of winning on the merits. They know that they can cause significant financial harm to a competitor simply by tying them up in court and forcing them to spend money for the defense. In some countries the plaintiff is forced to pay for the legal costs of the defendant if they lose the case, but that isn't the norm in the US.
Did your friend post his thoughts on a social media site where his coworkers and bosses might see it?
yes he is an avid poster on the tesla forum. But he doesnt put ford down in any posts he just says its his opinion tesla makes a better ev. And its expected when tesla only does ev and has for a while now. Fords not really putting their all into ev developement cause more people buy ice cars at this point.In fact for has been losing their asses in ev financially. He just works on one of the design teams and sees how upper management manipulates what they can and cant do in the ev..Its more a novelty thing for these car makers to do to appease govt stuff.
Anyhow he never disses ford he just likes tesla better and drives one to work every day. He understands how the whole thing works and the stangleholds involved in a huge company.
I think fractal being a smaller company with clif likely overseeing all things is cool and it shows in his commitment and the amount of updating done. I think his hands are not tied at all like many be true in fender or line6 or boss or headrush. Even kemper seems more in line with fractals smaller company.I may be wrong but just my thoughts.
Di also uses a lot (A LOT) of gear that isn’t Line 6. Go to the “Show your musikspace” thread, it’s there.

You can’t just simple make the “my friend works at ford but drives a volvo” statement as an example when it’s not even in proper context….
ok i get it...sorry if the example was lame...WOULD DI work for fractal if asked?
I've been headhunted before, but one, maybe two situations felt (tough to know for sure) as if the goal was less about gaining my super weird skill set and more about hurting YGG. F that noise.

Was this close to going to Universal Audio a few years back. Good thing I didn't because that particular remote office isn't around any longer.

At this point I actively ignore LinkedIn's inbox. Anyone who really wants to get a hold of me knows how.
I'm not 100% sure (I don't read minds), but my guess is NDSP and Kemper. Here's some suggested reading if you want to dig into the vague details.

Man, reading through that old thread and I saw Todd Bishop posting and got sad. I thought of him a couple weeks ago when I saw Zakk Wylde and how cool he was sending the care package when Todd was sick.
I'm not 100% sure (I don't read minds), but my guess is NDSP and Kemper.

DI and Cliff are too much of a gentleman to call it out but, yes, "compressed, never sounds anything like the real amp" fits NDSP to a tee. Not that their products sound bad (very far from it!) but i always found them to have this exaggerated compressed loudness and heavy bass, which can't seem to fully be dialed out.
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isnt it just a bunch of guys opinions? So what sue me for my opinion now?
I can’t speak for Eric, but if I was in his line of work, I would only offer full respect to my competitors. The MI industry is shockingly small compared to others. Everyone knows everyone. I know that I cringe when I hear other manufacturers talk shit on other’s products. Especially when it comes from the owner of the company.

Save the soapbox for the people that really matter in the end: the ones opening their wallets.
Won't claim this has never been true, but if it were true today, it'd be measurable and repeatable. Too many 3rd-party shootouts have proven this false, even after accounting for YouTube compression.

However, when we perform double-blind listening tests, 100% of us can reliably call out two particular competitors; one because of its squirrels and other artifacts, and the other because it never sounds anything like the real amp—multiple EQ (and perhaps multi-band compression?) stages seem to be baked in in order to, I dunno—approximate what they believe their customers think the amp should sound like? It doesn't sound objectively bad per sé (especially if you love gacked-out producers going ham on a djent mix), but it sucks that you can't dial it out.

Cliff knows who I'm talking about; he's alluded to something similar.

Yeah, I think some of these naysayers must only go to dad-friendly metal shows, where yes, Fractal is very common. Kemper still appears to be king in mainland Europe, and QC is appearing in more places, but Helix/HX is everywhere. It was all over Lollapalooza, which is decidedly non-friendly to dad-friendly metal, although Deftones played, who happened to be on Helix.

One particular company has seeded (given away) hundreds of their modeler to artists and influencers in the hopes of gaining traction. Not sure what the user contract said, but I'm guessing we'll see a bunch of those hundreds show up on Reverb once the no-resell date is up.

And this is purely anecdotal, but 5 of my top 10 favorite bands in the world are on Helix/HX (and I've heard rumors a 6th just switched over, but they're not touring this year).

I’m afraid to ask, but just what would one classify as “dad-friendly metal?”
