Laney Amplification Appreciation Thread

had a GH50L once upon a time in college


I had the GH50L for a minute, too. Honestly, can't remember much about it. :unsure:

I had an LC15 that I used to run as a neat little side-fill on bigger stages. The
one I miss the most was an old, beat up AOR. You used to be able to sneeze
out $250-$300 all day and grab one.

The amp in this picture that wows me is that VHT. Pitbull? :idk
I had the GH50L for a minute, too. Honestly, can't remember much about it. :unsure:

I had an LC15 that I used to run as a neat little side-fill on bigger stages. The
one I miss the most was an old, beat up AOR. You used to be able to sneeze
out $250-$300 all day and grab one.

The amp in this picture that wows me is that VHT. Pitbull? :idk

Yep 50/CL. Miss that amp... probably was the longest tenured amp I've owned. Was one of the last things to go before I stupidly "quit guitar" sold everything and didn't play for a year. Actually I traded it for a sig x first straight across that was also killer
Still blows my mind that a tiny ass island(s) chucked out Marshall, Vox, Orange, Laney, and Hi Watt.

Only Laney are the original owners. Correct?
Or am I wrong? Meaning same owners all along.

Edit....yes, only continuously owned, by one England.
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I know @MadAsAHatter loves their new Laney Lionheart, and gave a very good review of it.....I want one of those too!🤣😝

Yup, I've been enjoying the Lionheart since I got it. I'm really liking the way it responds to playing.

This is my first Laney. I wouldn't say I "discovered" Laney. I just kind of knew of them in the background as the brand Iommi used. I didn't think they were 2nd tier or anything like that and viewed them as a different flavor of British besides Marshall, Vox & Orange. Though it wasn't a flavor that was really on my radar until recently.

I was already planning a Supergroup clone build as a future project (likely a Ceriatone Supersound kit) to add the Laney sound to my arsenal. While window shopping I came across a Lionheart L50H and looked more into it. I saw it was a 50 watt single ended class A and this perked my interest. I've been liking the little 5 watt class A I built, but wished it was a little higher power to push more volume. I asked around about the Lionheart and looked up a couple of YT videos. It had that signature Laney sound that reminded me of a Supergroup. So 50 watts, Class A, the Laney sound and one was available for a decent price. Everything just happened to fall into place. So I decided what the hell and snagged the Lionheart. I'm glad I did.
AOR and Pro Tube Lead are the same amp right? Or?

From what I was able to come across looking into the AOR is the 6 knob and 8 knob Series 1 had the Pro Tube Lead moniker. It appeared they dropped the Pro Tube Lead name on the 8 knob series 2. Not sure how different the Series 1 & 2 are.
Hopefully someone who knows more than I do about it can comment.
My first "real" amp was a Laney AOR 100w in 1987.
Actually no, it wasn't. I had originally bought a Marshall 2205 (2 channel JCM800 50w) but it was a very early '83 model and it was terrible. Had issues with channel bleed, underpowered etc (they fixed that stuff on later versions).

Anyway, I was so disappointed I took it back to the store and they told me I could trade it for another amp. I plugged into the AOR and traded it on the spot. It was my main amp from '88 to '94, when I traded it for a GH100L and that was my main amp until 2004.

So yeah long history with Laney. I would play them again in a heartbeat.
The Ironheart 120 was my first (and only) tube amp that I got in 2013. I had a love-hate relationship with it, which, now that I think about it, was probably down to the HH speakers in the matching 4x12. The cab was REALLY well built and good looking but the sound didn’t convince me.

I got an Axe Fx II about a year and a half after and played the IRT less and less after that and sold it in 2019. Wish I had kept the cab and put in better speakers in it, tho.
The Ironheart 120 was my first (and only) tube amp that I got in 2013. I had a love-hate relationship with it, which, now that I think about it, was probably down to the HH speakers in the matching 4x12. The cab was REALLY well built and good looking but the sound didn’t convince me.

I got an Axe Fx II about a year and a half after and played the IRT less and less after that and sold it in 2019. Wish I had kept the cab and put in better speakers in it, tho.
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Yeah, never a fan of those speakers.....but all the other Laney cabs I tried were stellar.

I love my IRT120, but I never had the stock matching cab.....and it seemed to really like cabs more on the shallow side, with very average speakers.
Only been trying recent Laneys from the last 5 years or so. And based on that limited experience the recent Laneys been the real shit! Don't know nothing about no older Laneys though.
Fed up of IR's, Modellers, Preamps etc failing on me, I scored a decent deal on a Laney Leadtop to match my Harley Benton 1x12 V30 just for local gigging.

Hopefully moving forward with a more straightforward traditional rig, will work out better for me.

First time dipping my toes into the waters of Laney Amps. Hope they stand up better than my previous gear.
The other guitarist in my band pulled a dick move and bought a 6505+ after we had both played Valveking VK100s for ages. Suddenly I was outgunned so I started researching and ended up with a Laney Ironheart 60 which I loved.

Years and many more amps later, I found a VH100R in an Italian music store online. 370€ shipped to my door. One of the best amp deals I ever made.
Really helped my youtube channel out when it was even tinier than now because the amp doesn't seem to get a lot of coverage. I think Laney should reissue it or make a VH100R mk II!