Your 6 Desert Island Pedals List ?

Dave Lewis

If you were castaway on a desert island and could only take 6 pedals ,
Which ones would you choose ?
Not sure if the list is limited to what we have, but that’s how I chose:)

1) KOT
2) EQD Dispatch Master
3) OKKO Diablo Gain +
4) EP Boost
5) Arion SCH-Z Chorus
6) Keeley Rotary
Ok, I'll play but never can figure out this desert island with electricity. Amps? Does the amp have reverb or tremolo on board? Guitars? Do I get batteries for active pickups? I use different pedals with different amps, but here I go:

Boss TU-3 - does it count? I lose headstock tuners around the house.

Spaceman Polaris
Spaceman Mercury IV
Strymon Timeline
Strymon Big Sky
Black Arts Toneworks Coven
Some kind of Wah if the tuner doesn't count.
Bare essentials, crunched down to 6 pedals:

Ramble FX Twin Bender
Dunlop 105 Q
Belle Epoch
Kuro Exegol
Subdecay Super Spring Theory
  • Turbo Tuner ST-300
  • Luminite Graviton M1/2 MIDI controller + accessory devices. Does that count as one pedal?
  • Strymon Compadre (compressor/boost/drive)
  • Strymon Deco V2 (flanger/chorus/delay/tape drive)
  • Strymon Volante or El Cap V2 (delay)
  • Source Audio Collider (mainly for reverb)
Origin Effects DCX Boost (or Stacked Cali Compressor)
Brown Amplification Protein
Origin Effects Magma '57
Empress Heavy Menace
Walrus Audio Monumental
Keeley Halo
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Knock a couple ds1's off my board and I think I'm set
