Your 6 Desert Island Pedals List ?

Foxrox Captain Coconut (3 fx but still counts as one pedal!)
EHX Deluxe Memory Man
Klon Centaur (in case I need to bribe my way off said island)
Si Fuzz Face (because I imagine its too hot on said island for germanium)
Sola Sound Tonebender III
Waza Tuner
This is assuming I can afford anything and don't get my ankles sprained while tap dancing on the footswitches:

1. Boss Tuner TU-3W (Switchable Buffer)
2. Carl Martin Plexitone Low gain
3. King of Tone (Regular gain version)
4. Maxon OD 808 Original
5. RV-200
6. DD-200

Boss Fangirl here :)

These should be plugged into one of those expensive Mesa Boogies.
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I wouldn’t bother with a tuner Nobody around to notice 🤣🍺👍
I would definitely have one of these though 👌