Yet Another FM3 On The Way

Bonus points for what at least appears to be clean carpet. :banana:grin:pickle

Nothing irks me more than peeps pics with dirty fukkin' floors. Be like @la szum and clean your shit before you take a picture you lazy dirty ass! :hmm

Well, maybe the pervasiveness of AutoTune. But it's close.

And to "anyone with dirty floors", I'm just kidding. I mean, you may wanna do something about it, someday, but it's your place - do with it what you will.
Oh man, I was trepidatious about your reply given the shitbagging tendencies around here at times.


Appreciate the generosity of spirit and good vibes, @Warmart . Much needed and very welcome. :beer

Now where is my Vacuum?? :knit :popcorn

Because why have only one when you can have two?

I was on the lookout for one for a buddy, who coincidentally decided to go another route. The price was right, so I grabbed it.

Seriously, as appetizing as the FM3 Mark II Turbo looks, the OG models will have a whole new lease on life once the gapless feature trickles down to it.

Any CPU limitations that they previously had will pretty much be a non-issue, as long as you’re not worried about dual amps, running “Ultra-High” quality reverbs, or extravagant signal chains.

Recently, I’ve seen them going as low as $700. That’s approaching HX Stomp pricing. This makes a used first-generation FM3 a solid buy for those wanting to dip their toes into Fractal Land.

^^ Could not agree more.

Down here in Oz, the FM3 MK II Turbos go new for pretty much bang-on AUS $2600 shipping.

The used price for a Gen 1 FM3 -with working headphone jack- see's them selling for around the AUS $1350 <-> AUS $1450 mark ... which for Oz is really f%cking cheap !

The bigger scribble scripts and +%10 horsepower are nice but i.m.h.o are in no way worth an extra AUS $1200 ! over a Gen 2 new.

And once it gets the new FW and [likely] Gapless Update .... add a small midi controller like a MC6 [if you want/need] and an Exp Pedal and there wouldn't be too many gigs you couldn't do ! :)

My only negative comment is that I have always thought that for what is only a 3 x FSW unit, the FM3 is actually quite bloody big and bulky :(

DMM, I knew you were a man of impeccable taste. :D

I bought that one to use as a splitter for a Wet/Dry setup. It has that un-Effected Direct Out
that is so handy. I can use the Direct Out and run it to one Amp/Cab and it is Pre-Delay/Reverb
so it stays Dry, and then run the other Output down the chain to my Reverb and Delay for a
Wet side of the room. :chef

DMM is my fave delay of all time. They are quirky and a PITA as you probably know. Can't hit them
too hard with dirt or hot pickups. Can't put them in an FX Loop (without modification), and they
can be a bit grimey with gain. But damn.... nothing DMMs like a DMM. :love
Bonus points for what at least appears to be clean carpet. :banana:grin:pickle

Nothing irks me more than peeps pics with dirty fukkin' floors. Be like @la szum and clean your shit before you take a picture you lazy dirty ass! :hmm

Well, maybe the pervasiveness of AutoTune. But it's close.

And to "anyone with dirty floors", I'm just kidding. I mean, you may wanna do something about it, someday, but it's your place - do with it what you will.
Well there was the Cheerios incident with @DrewJD82, but that had nothing to do with cleanliness it was all about something else

Well there was the Cheerios incident with @DrewJD82, but that had nothing to do with cleanliness it was all about something else


If anyone here actually saw how I operate with stuff like that; like I can have a sink full of dishes but need to have the floor swept and spotless so I can walk with bare feet, or there’s 15 empty water bottles in my studio but I need to have the immediate space I’m working in completely clean and everything around it trashed. :rofl

Anyone having a rough start to their Sunday will adore it, and have probably have some sore abs
after reading the whole thread. :beer
It is such a shame that the FM3 doesn’t have S/PDIF in because then you could run stereo with no additional D/A > A/D conversion latency.
Would have been helpful for digital reamping as well. I had it going out as my main connection to the interface but then was doing analog reamps. Not the end of the world but nicer with in and out.