Would you do this trade?

I mean, if you really want to scratch that Headrush itch, i guess there's merit to the trade.

But if your plan is to get rid of it later on, you'll find that the resale value on Headrush gear is nowhere as good as L6.
Dog Stop Right There GIF

Don’t do it.

Even resale value won’t be the same (after you factor in tone, feel, et al).

yeah I didn't do it.
Meanwhile picture your buddy on a different guitar forum, posting “dudes - a buddy may be trading his Helix LT for my Headrush!! Can you believe it?? Talk about the score of the century! Do you think he’ll go through with it? What should I tell him to ensure he doesn’t change his mind?”
BTW if nobody noticed yet, I am a trade junkie. Anyone ever wants to trade stuff hit me up.
Glad to hear you didn’t do the inferior trade, but having had that itch myself- what did you wind up trading out or buying restore order to the universe?