Why is my shit better than your shit? Is it…

Why is my shit better than your shit? Is it…

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The sound made by the pages of the fuking manual I always read is better than your's because my fingers are toan machines made of gods shit.

This is the obvious answer but is also the wrong one. A decent approximation but wrong nonetheless..

Toan is in your brain.
Everything else are sometimes unpleasant consequences
But how can tone be real if our eyes aren't real?
Toan is in your brain.
Far out man

Well Done Thumbs Up GIF

Seriously though, we need TGF “Toan is in your brain” t-shirts!
I know this thread was meant to be funny (and it really is!), but there is a lot of truth hiding in there.

To me, a big reason your stuff is "better" is the elephant in the room: You are the one who got your gear. You picked it out for a reason. Something about it connected with you (looks, sound, price, ...).

It's like when you've been on a road trip and you are nearing the end of it. Everywhere you went was cool. You really enjoyed it. Saw some neat stuff, met some neat people. But towards the end, you start thinking of home. Your house. Your neighborhood. Your place. Everywhere else you visited was exceptional, but home is home.

Same way with gear. The other guy's gear is cool, but yours is "home".

I'll turn off the light on my way out!
my shit is older then your shit but thats ok because it still sounds good to me. And its more the player then the gear right?
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