Why can’t Mesa…

Mesa Dual Rec Fridge incoming!
Merry Christmas GIF by BuzzFeed

A fridge would get more use, no??

I get that this is a "hot take", and that I'm very early in the honeymoon stage with the VII head, but so far I think it's an awesome sounding and feeling amp, love it. Was able to get what I want out of it in literally 10 minutes (less time than it took to plug in the damn IEC cable :grin ). More to come in my NAD thread. :love

Oh, and MIIB is :chef . Spent most of my time on it, which was unexpected.
Def a hot take but FWIW I’m optimistic about the VII and there’s a good chance I scoop one up on the used market over the next few months. I’ve heard it uses better transformers that maybe ballpark the older amps a little better.

The only REAL complaint I have about the VII is not providing a way to have the IIB on one channel, and IIC on another. For some of us who’ve been in the game since the Mark II era, it’s like a wet dream to have that setup. It’s one of those “so close, yet so far” things.

The VII is still a killer amp.

Trying not to be pessimistic, but I doubt we’ll see anything innovative from them. If their recent Gibson amplifier releases are any indication, they’ll likely do a few of re-issues and then jump on the Marshall lifestyle product bandwagon.
I fluctuate daily on whether Mesa’s innovation is a good thing these days.

On one hand, Mesa pulled off something amazing in the MW Rectifier. They carried what was great about the 2 ch models into the future and then added absolutely TO DIE FOR clean and mid gain tones that to this day are wildly underestimated. Mesa turned the Rectifier series into the amp so many of us wanted it to be through the 2 and 3 ch 100w era.

On the other hand, and this is a preference thing, I haven’t been as lock step with the Mark series changes. I think what I’d hoped for was an evolution that more closely aligned with that of something like the Quad or triaxis, where Mesa would be trying to represent the history and lineage of that series across 3 channels.

They kind of do it but there are big sacrifices with the loss of the dual drive knobs, certain interesting historical modes being on same channel, etc. I’d rather see a focus on getting the Mark stuff right before adding crunch and tweed channels.

I think Gibson has learned the value of staying close to their historical stuff. They’ve tried to innovate numerous times over the years (badly, sometimes). I wonder if they will be pushing for Mesa to lean into their legacy a little more. Could be good. Could be bad.
Sounds cool but what I really want is just a straight forward Mark III reissue. Maybe they can work a little magic to make RHY2 more effective but mostly just want a faithful RI

Put it at $2400 MSRP or something like that (less better but trying to be realistic lol)
Sounds cool but what I really want is just a straight forward Mark III reissue. Maybe they can work a little magic to make RHY2 more effective but mostly just want a faithful RI

Put it at $2400 MSRP or something like that (less better but trying to be realistic lol)

Anything is possible with Gibson in charge, but I suspect that they would do their take on a IIC+ reissue long before the III, and I fear that they would lean more on marketing the name rather than a faithful recreation of the original.
Anything is possible with Gibson in charge, but I suspect that they would do their take on a IIC+ reissue long before the III, and I fear that they would lean more on marketing the name rather than a faithful recreation of the original.

To be fair they’ve been leaning on marketing the IIC+ name since the Mark V dropped :ROFLMAO:

What I don’t follow is, if the JPIIC is already “as close to an original as you can get” what will be so different about the rumored IIC+ RI? Just the fact that Maybe control layout will go to the original?
To be fair they’ve been leaning on marketing the IIC+ name since the Mark V dropped :ROFLMAO:

What I don’t follow is, if the JPIIC is already “as close to an original as you can get” what will be so different about the rumored IIC+ RI? Just the fact that Maybe control layout will go to the original?

The difference is Randall Smith vs Gibson corporate calling the shots. Smith was 100% about the reputation of his company, Gibson may not be so concerned with that compared to sales figures. We’ll see over time how they move with the brand.
Sounds cool but what I really want is just a straight forward Mark III reissue. Maybe they can work a little magic to make RHY2 more effective but mostly just want a faithful RI

Put it at $2400 MSRP or something like that (less better but trying to be realistic lol)
Very happy III owner and agree this would be cool, but…
Anything is possible with Gibson in charge, but I suspect that they would do their take on a IIC+ reissue long before the III, and I fear that they would lean more on marketing the name rather than a faithful recreation of the original.
This. Strictly from a marketing perspective, the III is the battered stepchild of the series. Absolutely killer sounding amp, but “IIC+ Reissue” rings like a bell and Gibson probably wants a sure thing.

Based on the other Gibson reissue amps, reservations are warranted.