Why can’t Mesa…


…just build the Mark Series we want, no..we need!!

This is everything I want from Mesa:
- 3 Mark inspired channels w/independent controls. Both drive controls, lose the mid knob if there’s no room…barely does anything anyway
- Channel 1 - Mark IIB with a front panel switch for clean or lead channel.
- Channel 2 - Mark IIC+ with same knob and switch arrangement as Ch 1 plus a switch to kill negative feedback for us crazy MFs who go more modern.
- Channel 3 - Mark IIC+ again. Hi! This one dumps the clean/lead switch and replaces it with a IIC/IIC++ switch, also has the option to drop negative feedback.
- GEQ assignable per channel or footswitchable.
- Assignable and footswitchable FX loop with full circuit bypass option on amps back panel.
- Simul Class power.

Seriously. None of the dumb stuff Mesa. We mean it!
- no putting the only 2 sounds we care about on 1 switch on one channel so we have to choose.
- no stupid parallel loop
- no basing the IIC+ on some weird ass variant nobody famous played or cared about
- no trying to make it sound like a Recto or a Marshall. You’re a hot-rodded Fender. You’ve always been. Deal with it.
- use the best transformers you can find to try to get back to some of that pre 93 magic we had in the earlier amps.

We good. Ship it.
I get that this is a "hot take", and that I'm very early in the honeymoon stage with the VII head, but so far I think it's an awesome sounding and feeling amp, love it. Was able to get what I want out of it in literally 10 minutes (less time than it took to plug in the damn IEC cable :grin ). More to come in my NAD thread. :love

Oh, and MIIB is :chef . Spent most of my time on it, which was unexpected.
Hear that Cesar?
With Gibson ownership really curious to see where they’ll be in 2-5 years.
Trying not to be pessimistic, but I doubt we’ll see anything innovative from them. If their recent Gibson amplifier releases are any indication, they’ll likely do a few of re-issues and then jump on the Marshall lifestyle product bandwagon.
Trying not to be pessimistic, but I doubt we’ll see anything innovative from them. If their recent Gibson amplifier releases are any indication, they’ll likely do a few of re-issues and then jump on the Marshall lifestyle product bandwagon.
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