What Guitar Are You Playing At This Very Moment...

Pickguard or no pickguard for me is all about the playing. I defenitely prefer the looks of no pickguard on my early 70s Ibanez 335 clone but playing is *way* more comfortable with a pickguard, especially on rhythm parts. I'm just used to ever so slight contact between pinky and body from my strat-style guitars, so the lack of that is really irritating on non-pickguard guitars with high bridges.
What rail HB is that on your bridge? Is it a Chopper? How do you like it? I'm thinking of replacing my stock noiseless PU's with HB's. May start out with one like you have and work up from there.
Super Distortion S. I really like it a lot. It's pretty hot but darker sounding so tweaking the treble and bass heights independently to strings made big differences. This guitar is inherently bright anyways so it works well.
Area 58's in neck/middle. I have one of my tone controls setup as a master bass cut so I get a good variety of tones here.
WTH? Care to elaborate what I'm looking at?
It is my steampunk guitar
It was a Stienberger headless full body. I took a circular saw to it and approximated the smaller body style. Purposely done to be rough and ugly with no exact plan Other than it needs to be functional when finished.
Took spare telecaster electronics, neck and bridge pickups and put them in. A bit of the tele pickguard in there.
Routed out the space to mount a Fishman Triple Play pickup, a bit of galvanized sheet metal under there, no real logic behind it, I just needed a way to level the area and a surface stick the FTP control mount on.
I had some half round tubular bits of a Smith and Wesson AR-15 barrel sleeve on the edges but now I have a temporary piece of wood to experiment with different body shapes as it needed a little more mass to play comfortably.

it sounds really good as a guitar, works as well or better than any other guitar I’ve tried for FTP use.
it will probably never be finished.
the first time I saw one of the original headless Stienbergers I envisioned a guitar that could be played like they were and have quick change body parts to make it a full size Flying V or a strat, etc so I guess years later that was a subconscious itch to scratch but I’m no luthier as you may have guessed lol
its a great travel guitar. iPad headphones and steampunk guitar is it for quickest grab and go rig!