What do you consider home/bedroom volumes?

I typically play at home volume, which is the usual 70-75dB or so. Bedroom volume would be around 90dB.

I’m a screamer.
Here at home, “home” or “bedroom” volume is about the same level as speaking.

When it’s just me home, it’s on! :rawk
Finally arrived at my destination a few days ago.
(22htrs of driving & hauling a car)

Clean power.. what a BLESSING.
No more RFI’s gone wild up my butt
when I click outta’ standby.

This was a brutal test in mouse fart volumes.
I left my EQ on the amp and the master volume right where you see them dialed in
AND my guitar is plugged in & my guitar volumes are all the way up.
Those are Lollar P99’s in there, so the guitar wants to bitch a bit too much right outta’ the cannon.
(Lightly potted?).
I’m getting beastly chugs..fangs that still sound sharp & sweet…the dopamine in the midrange..
-it’s all there…in them Redbacks.. coupled with a
killer master volume Lenz 78 JMP…
The Phat setting in the Fulltone Supa-Wah
is a dead mix of the RMC Wheels of Fire
& the RMC Wizard wah-freakin’ mindblowing good.
I jammed for a faithful hour straight & didn’t disrupt any of the multiple guests surrounding me before any of them got up for Monday morning work..
(I starting jamming at 5am).

I knew in my heart of authenticity,
-this is the only way dudes, to perform
the mouse fart volume ‘acid test’..
the risk of people getting FIRED UP if you wake them up early on Monday morning and they have not had their morning coffee or a poop yet..
-that’s risk man💯

Back to punching the grunt with this
Lenz thru them Redbacks.

-the effects loop in this amplifier
has send & return controls,
this aids in on zero’ing in ‘that’
mouse fart volume magic.

I must add with absolute certainty,
I will only buy & put to work
Zilla Custom Cabinets.
Holy shit does he make proper cabinetry for the speakers that get installed🎯
That Fatboy 2X12 over there has an ample fist in
mouse fart volume magic by way of
depth & dispersion.
I just play the hell out of them &
they keep on givin’.🤘🏻


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I'm sitting here at my desk next to my 2x12 cab, my wife and daughter are chilling in bed watching something on the phone less than 20ft away, in the eye of the beam, in the same room, and I'm playing at 87dB with no complaints on either end
I comfortably get 85-90+db with my modeler-cab setup and no one complains inside or outside. I've been outside at equivalent volume levels and you can barely hear a thing. Same inside the house with my bedroom/office door shut.

Very grateful that I'm not in NYC or some place where I'd probably get kicked out of my apartment playing at the levels that I do.
Sound is a physical thing.....it's all about pushing and vibration and feeling the actual physical feeling of the air moving.

Sound is beautiful and it needs to be felt. Deep inside....the vibration, the intensity, the uncomfortable feeling that comes when different frequencies react in the tidal pool that is air!

This needs volume and many speakers, in the right room....it's an interaction.....a conversation, a complete system reacting to itself....with sound.....this is why I play, write, perform and dream.

The wave is the way.
Feel the wave.
Ride the wave.
Create the wave.
- seems to be a volume that slowly rises :)
- any volume under gig volume ;)

If it involves neighbors on the other side of a wall, I'm afraid almost any volume can be heard by them...
I bought a dB Meter and it is fun watching it. Ambient noise with a TV on in the
background is about 50dB. When I play through studio monitors with the Fractal
it is 65-70dB. When I crank up the W/D rig and play full band it is about 98-105dB.

The other fun thing is realizing that SPL is not a constant---that it moves up and down
from loudest to softest parts/moments.
I play my fender Champ at around 5 when I practice. I would guess that I'm around 80-90 decibels. My little 6 watt champ hits about 100 decibles when cranked, which stage volume for me.

If I lived in an apartment or something, I would think 70-80 decibels