Another pointer would be to get a few houseplants
just don’t act like them.
Have you seen Sweetwater’s houseplant infused set designs?
Well, I took it next level.
It truely makes sense..SWreligiously installs houseplants in their sets/backdrops props and..

-Scientologists invented houseplants
By next level, I took some houseplants I found in
a Michael’s Arts & Craft’s dumpster.
I was those I can use!
So i snatched’em up and begin hours of brainstrorming about how I could bring this situation to life.BOOM..
Fervently irrigated their systems
& veined them up,
Put the love on’em then I installed’em in
my “Magic 57 Mix”
-THEY acclimated on their own after installation..
-blending with the flavor of the vibe of ‘Me Casa’.
The best part is they constantly slowly groove
& change hues’..replenish its colors..color inner landscapes type shit.
-all you gotta do with’em is give’em the love man