You man “mouse fart volumes”
“flea pea volumes”..
The taproot of your question lies on the speaker.
Add the room, the way you play, how you bias and how well you keep up with the bias in your amplifiers, even certain pre-amp tubes/power tubes in certain circuits can push it,
Most notable:
your mood & tolerance for radical acceptance of what you are actually trying to accomplish..
At some speaker frequency..the sound must
stab out & travel through our aged ears and hit the audible target of the stab glory.
PS-yeah..the “stab out” component was for
The Gear Forum Peanut Gallery
I had a faithful mouse fart volume
speaker shootout recently.
There’s a specific area with speakers such as
v-30’s & Creamback 75/65’s that won’t stab out until that volume wakes up the cat

Now ya’ stuck in a sticky pickle bro’,
”you can’t play pool with a rope”
Redbacks won by a good notch due to this area of
It reminds me of surfing.
You have to get out there, paddle strong,
duck dive’s etc to get to the sets that break
at the curls..(watch out for the jetties & jellyfish

V-30’s,H30’s, Blues , Golds EV’s, Governor, Veteran 30,
(EXCEPT the H30 that one no one likes, the Heritage G12C-H30 75hz-that one is actually very good),
-Or you hire a jet ski operator
guy to tow you out to the sets that
are scha’weeeeet=Redbacks, Greenback 20watters,old school CL80’s, Heritage 30’s 75’s
With most amplifiers with today’s master volumes
& implementations,
-Dude, it’s no longer about the master volumes
unless the master stinks, but nearly every amplifier with a master volume in todays climate is ar’right’.
I really dig what you do with your mind & hands dude.
Your ambition to design, build & create things’
-is authentically inspiring.
Cheers for YEARS my man