What Did You Do With Your Guitar(s) Today?

For the first time since the Pandemic, I played guitar for 4 straight days. I haven’t been this happy in years.

Rock And Roll GIF
I'm telling ya.... Music is Life! :love

More listening to what we love, and playing what we can = a State of Chronic Well Being! :chef

That's awesome, Los-D! :beer
Finally got around to fitting my kill switch on the RG . I didn’t really want to rout the body so it’s going in the only spot it can without loosing a control.


I’m going to be boring and the black one is going on for now at least.

And the results;

It works great and doesn’t get in the way at all .
If you try a Sanwa button you will immediately get why Buckethead has them, super clean action capable of fast pulses or anything.
I may put the red one in 🤔.
Have you learned Wearing the Inside Out solos yet? I feel like that'd be an accomplishment, especially capturing the tone and vibrato in that track.

This is one of my all time favorite Gilmour solos and I’m waiting until I get a Tele to learn it, because I’m 99% certain he used his Workmate Tele on it and I know I’ll be way too concerned with tone chasing to pay attention to the actual parts. :rofl

That song is hugely underrated and is easily in my top 10 Floyd tunes.
I randomly started learning Lamb of God’s “Laid To Rest” last night, some tricky riffs for sure, but once I got them under my fingers a bit I found myself starting to sing along as I was playing, which kicked up my “Can I pull this off? itch in regard to singing/playing it at the same time.

It’s these silly competitions I get in with myself that generally drive the most amount of progress forward and I love that giddy feeling I get knowing I’m closing in on a goal, despite knowing I’m going to say “Fuck!” as I screw up about 1,000,000x over the next couple days.

Tryna teach myself to play in some of the weirder modes - like Phrygian Dominant, and have it sound like it makes some kind of sense.


We've got a friend from Seattle staying with us for a few days. He'd never played through a valve amp before today. The look on his face when he hit an A chord on my prs into my JVM was priceless, it was properly loud. He's 45, primarily plays acoustic and when he does play an electric it's been into cheap solid state practice amps and lower end modellers, usually into headphones.

Today we just fucked about with different guitars at various gain levels. Tomorrow we start onto pedals. :pickle
We've got a friend from Seattle staying with us for a few days. He'd never played through a valve amp before today. The look on his face when he hit an A chord on my prs into my JVM was priceless, it was properly loud. He's 45, primarily plays acoustic and when he does play an electric it's been into cheap solid state practice amps and lower end modellers, usually into headphones.

Today we just fucked about with different guitars at various gain levels. Tomorrow we start onto pedals. :pickle
Star Wars GIF
We've got a friend from Seattle staying with us for a few days. He'd never played through a valve amp before today. The look on his face when he hit an A chord on my prs into my JVM was priceless, it was properly loud. He's 45, primarily plays acoustic and when he does play an electric it's been into cheap solid state practice amps and lower end modellers, usually into headphones.

Today we just fucked about with different guitars at various gain levels. Tomorrow we start onto pedals. :pickle

Star Wars Mind Blown GIF by Disney+