What Did You Do With Your Guitar(s) Today?

Wait a while and some vibration. It isn't a sure thing, but I've woken up to something going "bump" in the night and found the Tele on the floor. Maybe my hangers/stands aren't good (Hercules) for Tele's. I have a different stand for my Tele.
Thanks for bringing this up 👍
If I end up with a Tele like that I will definitely evaluate whether it sit properly in the hook .
Put an EMG 60A in the bridge position of my white Fender Player Stratocaster. I got a second ivory 60A to see if I'd like an HSH setup in the guitar. I wish the EMG 58 was more widely available, as I'd like yo try it in this guitar, but I'd want one in ivory.
Okay okay how long have had this avatar😮
Put grey etched BKP Polymaths in my PRS 594 last night. After some initial hurdles, I think I'm liking them - but have had very little time to play so far.

Perhaps the matte gold etched would've looked better, but they are unobtanium, I was tired of the guitar hanging there unplayed and I got a discount, lmao.
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Wait a while and some vibration. It isn't a sure thing, but I've woken up to something going "bump" in the night and found the Tele on the floor. Maybe my hangers/stands aren't good (Hercules) for Tele's. I have a different stand for my Tele.

Bummer! What happened to it?

Mine has hung like that for 3 years. I have it there because it is a
dude and I never play it. :LOL:
Never really learned much Rush, but thought I'd give this an attempt, in order to
work out some of the parts here. 335>Plexi in Fractal go! :banana

I wonder if the vocal challenge of Rush keeps people from getting together and learning their songs .
Or maybe they just don’t like Rush🤔
I’ve mentioned working on Rush songs before and it went absolutely nowhere.
I wonder if the vocal challenge of Rush keeps people from getting together and learning their songs .
Or maybe they just don’t like Rush🤔
I’ve mentioned working on Rush songs before and it went absolutely nowhere.

That was certainly my case. I knew a Bassist who could full on Geddy
and Chris Squire and did all the cool Prog stuff---including singing---
but he was older and better than I, and played with my friend.

Just Rush and what Lifeson did in that band so much. Have picked out
some riffs and chord progressions here and there (Working Man, Limelight,
Spirit of Radio
) but never made it an objective to work up any full songs,
because again, who can sing them? :idk

Or drum them? Or drum and sing them? :LOL:
That was certainly my case. I knew a Bassist who could full on Geddy
and Chris Squire and did all the cool Prog stuff---including singing---
but he was older and better than I, and played with my friend.

Just Rush and what Lifeson did in that band so much. Have picked out
some riffs and chord progressions here and there (Working Man, Limelight,
Spirit of Radio
) but never made it an objective to work up any full songs,
because again, who can sing them? :idk

Or drum them? Or drum and sing them? :LOL:
But what about Working Man?!?!?!?
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