What Did You Do With Your Guitar(s) Today?

Happy Chicago Fire GIF by Wolf Entertainment
Yes. I got it used at GC for like $379 so I don’t mind routing the body for pickups. It’s a really good guitar. It’s very heavy. Like 10 lbs.

Lol I was about to post this pic in the thread when I noticed yours.


This started off as a deluxe players strat that I got used from GC too. The body is the only original part left though. It's got a really nice grain pattern but not quite as heavy as yours, it's just under 8lbs.

I gave mine a bit of tlc tonight, polished the frets, fixed a noisy pot and I'm trying out 10.5s instead of the 11s I normally use. It feels like it has a bit more tension than my tele does with 11s, so I'm going to see if the 10.5s even the two guitars out. So far so good.
Mini rehearsal with my favorite partscaster and Nord keys.

View attachment 31555

I miss the Nord flavor. On my past life with MIDI guitar I had the Nord Modular G2 Engine rack, triggered with the Axon AX-100 MK II. I used it live. It was so powerful and juicy!

I've been trying to find a picture of the Nord on an old backup, and I have found pics of gear that I completely forgot that I have owned. I am afraid that I had certified madness. That was before I got married :rofl

Some Synths that I have owned for the MIDI guitar:
- Roland Fantom XR
- Emu Orbit
- Yamaha MU100R
- Kurzweill K2000R
- Muse receptor (a PC embedded in a rack, to host VSTi)



On the floor I had the VG8

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I decided to go WDW today. And it was sooooooo fun!!!!🤘



I run the Laney as the dry in the center, doy!
Run a tap from the 10 band eq, right into the mx5.....then stereo out to the ART SLA1 in 2 channel mode. Acquired from @la szum 🤘

L/R are all mod and delay and verb.....


Ran a run with dual detune with reverb.....i am fascinated now .....so many ideas.

Edit ---- idea number one.....add the tera echo via stereo fx loop .....yep. great idea.

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I decided to go WDW today. And it was sooooooo fun!!!!🤘

View attachment 31689

View attachment 31688

I run the Laney as the dry in the center, doy!
Run a tap from the 10 band eq, right into the mx5.....then stereo out to the ART SLA1 in 2 channel mode. Acquired from @la szum 🤘

L/R are all mod and delay and verb.....


Ran a run with dual detune with reverb.....i am fascinated now .....so many ideas.

Edit ---- idea number one.....add the tera echo via stereo fx loop .....yep. great idea.

Do you run your effected sides as higher gain or lower gain? Do you run the center as higher gain or lower gain?

There are two trains of thought I've been thinking about if I ever went w/d/w. The one option is cleaner gain wise so the effects and gain do not turn to mush, and the center can be higher gain. Alternatively, go higher gain with the effected sides and then add definition with the center.

If I did this, I'd run the line with effects to my Fryette Power Station and send that out to two 412s. Then the clean signal would get sent to another amp. If I did this, I'd likely get a Synergy Syn-50 head and load it with two modules. Probably not "true" w/d/w, but whatever.
Do you run your effected sides as higher gain or lower gain? Do you run the center as higher gain or lower gain?

There are two trains of thought I've been thinking about if I ever went w/d/w. The one option is cleaner gain wise so the effects and gain do not turn to mush, and the center can be higher gain. Alternatively, go higher gain with the effected sides and then add definition with the center.

If I did this, I'd run the line with effects to my Fryette Power Station and send that out to two 412s. Then the clean signal would get sent to another amp. If I did this, I'd likely get a Synergy Syn-50 head and load it with two modules. Probably not "true" w/d/w, but whatever.
All gain staging happens with the center channel....either before the amp, or with the amps pre....kind of the old school way....where the L/R is just slaved from the master....and used as an input for the multi effect. Which is my mx5, with the tera echo in the stereo loop.

Fucking amazing, absolutely clear......and glorious. Nothing gets muddy... absolutely glorious on all accounts.

I did what your talking about before..... essentially. But all that separate gain staging can be too finicky. I prefer this way. That way all you have to worry is mixing for effect and clarity.

Cool thing is, with the mx5, I have 2 expression pedals.....so one set up as a volume pedal acts as a master effects mix.... which is a whole other level of control. Then I use the on board exp pedal to control the master reverb mix.....

Very cool ....very controllable, very ambient, yet brutal. So cool.

No more tears riffs are awesome!!!!