What Did You Do With Your Guitar(s) Today?

All gain staging happens with the center channel....either before the amp, or with the amps pre....kind of the old school way....where the L/R is just slaved from the master....and used as an input for the multi effect. Which is my mx5, with the tera echo in the stereo loop.

Fucking amazing, absolutely clear......and glorious. Nothing gets muddy... absolutely glorious on all accounts.

I did what your talking about before..... essentially. But all that separate gain staging can be too finicky. I prefer this way. That way all you have to worry is mixing for effect and clarity.

Cool thing is, with the mx5, I have 2 expression pedals.....so one set up as a volume pedal acts as a master effects mix.... which is a whole other level of control. Then I use the on board exp pedal to control the master reverb mix.....

Very cool ....very controllable, very ambient, yet brutal. So cool.

No more tears riffs are awesome!!!!
Maybe I could just get another power amp and have the non-effected signal from the Boss ES-8 go there. I'd have to see if that would work or not as opposed to just spit balling it.

I currently run the two Synergy Syn-2 preamps in a master/slave scenario per the owner's manual. Those go into a loop of my Boss GT-1000 Core, which is in one of the loops on my Boss ES-8. One of the Boss ES-8 outputs goes to the input of the Fryette Power Station PS-2A if memory serves. Perhaps one of the GT-1000 Core outputs can go to the second poweramp, and that can be the dry setup. I think if I have it so that one output is wet while the other is dry, but that would take some experimentation.
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Bucket list guitar.

This one is a 2006 N4 in Padauk.. I have by far more hours on this guitar than any other that I own.

She's ready to go and will get a workout tonite


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Maybe I could just get another power amp and have the non-effected signal from the Boss ES-8 go there. I'd have to see if that would work or not as opposed to just spit balling it.

I currently run the two Synergy Syn-2 preamps in a master/slave scenario per the owner's manual. Those go into a loop of my Boss GT-1000 Core, which is in one of the loops on my Boss ES-8. One of the Boss ES-8 outputs goes to the input of the Fryette Power Station PS-2A if memory serves. Perhaps one of the GT-1000 Core outputs can go to the second poweramp, and that can be the dry setup. I think if I have it so that one output is wet while the other is dry, but that would take some experimentation.
Done that too...and it works great.....the wdw just makes it more of a 3D type deal.....I get why the dudes did it back in the day.

It's nice to have the ability to experiment with these type of signal paths ...my teenage inside self loves this to pieces. I cannot believe that I can actually accomplish this, very fortunate for the experience.
This one is a 2006 N4 in Padauk.. I have by far more hours on this guitar than any other that I own.

She's ready to go and will get a workout tonite

Man that heel carve...Nuno is the only guy who could actually play up there at light speed. I don't know how he does it.
Going to put a kill switch on my RG 550 . I am going to keep the tone control though because it’s such a good sounding versatile instrument.
The only switch I really like for this is the 24mm Sanwa arcade cabinet button. Good for 1m activations and very good feel. It’s no surprise that Buckethead uses this switch.

The question is red or black?
Also if you buy these make sure they are branded Sanwa and don’t pay more than £4 for one. Get them from arcade machine part suppliers not charlatans selling them as Buckethead kill switch’s for £25.
Going to put a kill switch on my RG 550 . I am going to keep the tone control though because it’s such a good sounding versatile instrument.
The only switch I really like for this is the 24mm Sanwa arcade cabinet button. Good for 1m activations and very good feel. It’s no surprise that Buckethead uses this switch.
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The question is red or black?
Also if you buy these make sure they are branded Sanwa and don’t pay more than £4 for one. Get them from arcade machine part suppliers not charlatans selling them as Buckethead kill switch’s for £25.

Red. Even better if you silk screen or paint "PANIC" on it lol.
Yeah, I don’t know why this one is so heavy but it’s the best Mexican Strat. The vibrato is a little wonky so i decked it. It just has excellent tone and stability.

I took a picture to show that Les Pauls aren’t always heavier than Strats:
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Mine was gift from my wife's parents. It was not a very good strat, or at least it wasn't right for me. I loved the colour but hated the gold hardware, didn't really like the neck profile and didn't like the noise less pickups either. Oh and my trem had no chance of staying in tune.

I got rid of everything off mine until only the body was left and then bought a load of parts that did suit me. Love it now but it was a long journey to get there.
Mine was gift from my wife's parents. It was not a very good strat, or at least it wasn't right for me. I loved the colour but hated the gold hardware, didn't really like the neck profile and didn't like the noise less pickups either. Oh and my trem had no chance of staying in tune.

I got rid of everything off mine until only the body was left and then bought a load of parts that did suit me. Love it now but it was a long journey to get there.
Yeah, the noiseless pickups were trash. I replaced mine with Lollar Blackface and then now with the Lollar P90s.
It's been a productive day in the studio. The Do Something challenge has actually been doing exactly what I needed it to when I first started it, keeping me on task with getting shit done.

Tracked all the rhythms for this tune in drop-A. Good right hand workout with the trem picking. (I wonder if YouTube uses AI to pick the thumbnails, I smirked when I fucked up and it automatically used it as the thumbnail)

Now I'm workin' on the lead, this is the general idea I'm going for, just more gooder.