What Did You Do With Your Guitar(s) Today?

Today I spent time with this one , trying to decide whether to sell it or not :idk

I REALLY want to do one of Bruce's seminars and I think I might make that a little present to myself the next time he does one. I've been waiting until I get some more electrical education via work but I'm not sure there's much more I'm going to get that'll help me in the way of building an amp.

What kind of build did you do for yours??

I did his 50 watt Boutikit. It’s a cool amp. It’s based off a 2204. Single input, additional jack for a footswitch for a solo volume boost. Amps front end has some mods to give it a bit more gain than a bog stock 2204 and tweaks to the EQ. Also has a resonance knob and 4 additional switches: tight (low end shift/HPF), Mid shift, bright switch and gain boost/cut (it’s more of a cut. When the switch is on it cuts gain. When it’s off it’s full gain. Part of the extra gain comes from not having a cold clipper and bypassing the V2A cathode). Also has a tube buffered effects loop.

There’s a 20 watt and a 50 watt. The 50 of course runs on EL34s. The 20 is 6V6 based. Different transformers in the 20 and 50 also. Tonally they’re very similar. When I did my class a couple guys did the 20 and we A/B’ed them. Volume and headroom aside, the 20 didn’t give up much to the 50 tonally. If you’re able to do the class, I highly recommend it.

To the other question, Bruce is highly regarded because he designed a lot. Dave Friedman considers him a friend and mentor. They worked together on a few things. Bruce came up with the modular stuff that eventually got picked up by Randall with their MTS line. His IE4 preamp formed the basis for what would be the TOL amps he did - first himself and later with Rocktron. And to be honest the modular stuff was the next step from that. The Egnater brand was primarily built in China based on his designs but essentially GC/Musicians Friend were the ones funding the line so hence the build issues. They had some cool ideas and as long as the amps work, they can sound great. When I did my amp class he also had been working with Steve Fryette and Friedman on the synergy platform. Hence the backwards compatibility with older modules. Also since he designed the original modular setup, they wanted him involved in helping with design of the current Synergy product. He’s also a super nice guy and likes to help out and share knowledge where he can.
I did his 50 watt Boutikit. It’s a cool amp. It’s based off a 2204. Single input, additional jack for a footswitch for a solo volume boost. Amps front end has some mods to give it a bit more gain than a bog stock 2204 and tweaks to the EQ. Also has a resonance knob and 4 additional switches: tight (low end shift/HPF), Mid shift, bright switch and gain boost/cut (it’s more of a cut. When the switch is on it cuts gain. When it’s off it’s full gain. Part of the extra gain comes from not having a cold clipper and bypassing the V2A cathode). Also has a tube buffered effects loop.

There’s a 20 watt and a 50 watt. The 50 of course runs on EL34s. The 20 is 6V6 based. Different transformers in the 20 and 50 also. Tonally they’re very similar. When I did my class a couple guys did the 20 and we A/B’ed them. Volume and headroom aside, the 20 didn’t give up much to the 50 tonally. If you’re able to do the class, I highly recommend it.

To the other question, Bruce is highly regarded because he designed a lot. Dave Friedman considers him a friend and mentor. They worked together on a few things. Bruce came up with the modular stuff that eventually got picked up by Randall with their MTS line. His IE4 preamp formed the basis for what would be the TOL amps he did - first himself and later with Rocktron. And to be honest the modular stuff was the next step from that. The Egnater brand was primarily built in China based on his designs but essentially GC/Musicians Friend were the ones funding the line so hence the build issues. They had some cool ideas and as long as the amps work, they can sound great. When I did my amp class he also had been working with Steve Fryette and Friedman on the synergy platform. Hence the backwards compatibility with older modules. Also since he designed the original modular setup, they wanted him involved in helping with design of the current Synergy product. He’s also a super nice guy and likes to help out and share knowledge where he can.


I’m very familiar with Bruce. He first came on my radar in ‘96 when Vai was touring with an Ecstasy and a TOL. I almost ended up with a Vendetta head at one point and lusted after the IE4 stuff for a while but ultimately went in a different direction.

Thanks for the write up!

I’m very familiar with Bruce. He first came on my radar in ‘96 when Vai was touring with an Ecstasy and a TOL. I almost ended up with a Vendetta head at one point and lusted after the IE4 stuff for a while but ultimately went in a different direction.

Thanks for the write up!

Absolutely! Bruce is a super nice guy. I think he’s doing IE4s again, direct order. Not gonna lie, I thought about one.

Also, if you’re able to ever do the class, I recommend it. You learn a lot. You won’t remember everything but it’s an experience for sure.
Drew be like, "Can you actually pinch harmonic every picked note?" :idk


That's the only guitar I own where I'll go for them in areas I don't know for sure I can't get them in.....which is basically everywhere at any point with any tone. They fly out of that guitar, it's fucking ridiculous!
Working on this and I don't know why it feels so alien. First note is picked and then the next two are hammer ons from nowhere.

E - 2nd fret index finger
B - 3rd fret middle finger
G - 4th fret ring finger

E - 3rd fret index finger
B - 5th fret ring finger
G - 5th fret middle finger

It's the skipping of fingers 1 to 3 to 2 on the left hand that's tripping my brain. Especially trying to go back and forth between the two parts fast.
Have you tried the 2nd one with your pinky and ring?
That's the only guitar I own where I'll go for them in areas I don't know for sure I can't get them in.....which is basically everywhere at any point with any tone. They fly out of that guitar, it's fucking ridiculous!

Do you find the Aldrich Pups help in that regard?
Do you find the Aldrich Pups help in that regard?

Hahahaha yeah, I mean it’s kinda silly how easy they are to hit. I was playing through my Jose 6CA7 in that vid with no boost and man, I need to have that amp made so I can play that specific guitar through it real loud. There was actually a few really over the top takes in there with harmonics before that one. Probably be a few more tomorrow when I figure it out for real :rofl
Man, I can recall sitting for hours trying to get those things to pop with a crappy guitar
and a Peavey amp as a teen. :brick

They sure are fun.

I ended up not jiving with the Aldrich Pups. Felt like a hotter JB to me. :sofa

You make them sound great. Pulled them and sold them already. Back to the JB and '59 in the Edwards. :LOL:
Man, I can recall sitting for hours trying to get those things to pop with a crappy guitar
and a Peavey amp as a teen. :brick

They sure are fun.

I ended up not jiving with the Aldrich Pups. Felt like a hotter JB to me. :sofa

You make them sound great. Pulled them and sold them already. Back to the JB and '59 in the Edwards. :LOL:

Hahahaha I didn’t even know you tried them!

A buddy on FB sent me a message yesterday, “I can’t do those pinch harmonics to save my life”, to which I replied “I had sex 500 less times than everyone else in high school so I could do those today” :rofl