I'm on my 3rd listen of this song in a row, it's a masterclass in dynamics and restraint for me. I wonder how many takes it took to get that drum track, his foot is barely touching that kick drum for most of the song, that must have been a fucking BITCH to not hit it just a little 'too' one way or the other. I don't think we'll ever be able to program dynamics like that into Superior Drummer.
And the mix is
so fucking good. Everything is perfect. That whole drum kit is

the entire song, but when it opens up at the end....oh that's a glorious snare. Cool production thing- listen to the hi-hats when the section starts at 3:26, then take note of them at 3:40, he's laying into them when the section starts but there's still some swing in them, once 3:40 starts it's just straight beating the shit out of them and there's some excitement going on like they clipped the mic pre's intentionally or smashed it with a compressor. Totally helps build that section up to it's peak. Also, coming out of the first chorus there's a subtle modulation on the cymbals as everything settles down, nice touch.