I’m doing the @JiveTurkey today-
I actually just put this song on because it’s indeed just one of those days. I swear there are days where my brain is operating in complete opposite of everyone I interact with, no matter how large or small an issue is, it’s like there’s a wall of fucking stupid in place.
So last month I found out I was in the Top 500 listeners of the band Extreme on Apple Music this year. Since then, it lit a fire and I have been nonstop spamming them this whole month in an effort to be the very top listener lol.
I just have it on loop on the background. Right now it’s on No Respect off The Waiting for the Punchline album. My 2nd favorite album from them (Mangini!) 1st in tone. Nuno was killing it, as usual.
I remember hearing those drums kick in on the opening track, and I was like, "Gonna be a good record!"