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Just finished watching this whole No Doubt show from '94 - for a camcorder in the crowd it's actually great! Listening with good headphones the audio is way better than I expected and the mix is weirdly good too. Gwen is obviously excellent as usual. Totally worth watching if you're into their earlier ska / rock sound.

I saw that too last night. She was such a talent right from the start!
Fusion Fuckface
Great band name.

Great Job Reaction GIF
nothing more exciting than a band with momentum, it’s a fleeting moment in any bands career and they’re riding that wave. Not only that but there’s a whole generation of kids who haven’t really had a band like this to attach themselves to.

It’s not a competition, but it IS more exciting than any old past their best band going through the motions with a random lineup and a load of bang average songs.