Walk thru my latest fever dream/delusion of grandeur with me, won't you? (Red Vinter thread)

The Royal Blood Of Hardcore! :horse:horse:horse

Having had some sketchy interactions with a variety of musicians I am now beginning
to question myself and my own motives. :crazy
Figured I'd dust this thread off to continue the saga. UPDATES:

First, this happened:

Crazy that it was just last summer when this thing got rolling.

Red Vinter: We Built Our Own Death Machine review
2. Then over the weekend, we signed with a PR company for a short trial to see what comes of that. Supposed to get us more reviews, interviews and overall push the name out there further. They're associated with a radio station, print magazine (with an associated website) and have a massive mailing list that includes all the cool kids in metal these days. We're hopeful that it helps spread the word.

3. We also bought some stickers with the logo from one of those sticker places that advertises on FB. 100 2x3" stickers for $25 and they came out great. Pretty awesome considering the current state of inflation/price gouging on just about everything these days.

4. 2nd guitar player: So, the drummer and I are clearly into pain - as we decided over the weekend that we want to try and add a second guitar player. It took us nearly 5 months to find the first one and we went through some doozies before we connected with him.

So, why would we put ourselves through that again you ask? You did ask didn't you? No... is this thing on? Check one... two...

Anyway, we're hoping a second guitar player can bring some things to the table we don't currently have and solidify the sound going forward. We have three new songs in various states of written and a 4th that's little more than an idea, but they're all still primarily written by me with input from the drummer. Having more input from the guitar players will hopefully take things in new directions and enhance what we're already doing.

Plus if something happens to the guitar player we already have, we can still function as a band.

5. The hope and dream is to start gigging in May/June and record new songs sometime in the summer. But, we need to get things in gear for that to happen. Hopefully it won't take us another 5 months to find GTR2... a quick search yesterday yielded a whole lot of not much and one guy who was advertising himself as "Let me join your band and I'll supply all your 420 needs..." you literally can't make this stuff up... 🤣
Since we're fast approaching our first gig, figured it was time to get a banner. In the old, I'm a cheapskate mold, I bought a flat king sized black sheet that we're going to attach this banner to as a full backdrop. The banner itself is 2'x6'

Here's the design we used:


Looks a little weird cause this is a phone pic of a computer screen.

Went to Vistaprint, who I've used for several other projects over the years with great results.

Took about 9 days from order placement to the banner sitting on my front porch via UPS only cost about $75 all in.


I think it turned out great, although our drummer complained it's going to make playing hard for him with it drapped over the kit. I told him I didn't want to hear his excuses anymore. Then figured if it was a valid excuse for less than stellar playing, I should drape it on my bass rig...

Either way, if ya need a banner (or biz cards, post cards, etc.) Vistaprint has yet to let me down.
Since we're fast approaching our first gig, figured it was time to get a banner. In the old, I'm a cheapskate mold, I bought a flat king sized black sheet that we're going to attach this banner to as a full backdrop. The banner itself is 2'x6'

Here's the design we used:


Looks a little weird cause this is a phone pic of a computer screen.

Went to Vistaprint, who I've used for several other projects over the years with great results.

Took about 9 days from order placement to the banner sitting on my front porch via UPS only cost about $75 all in.


I think it turned out great, although our drummer complained it's going to make playing hard for him with it drapped over the kit. I told him I didn't want to hear his excuses anymore. Then figured if it was a valid excuse for less than stellar playing, I should drape it on my bass rig...

Either way, if ya need a banner (or biz cards, post cards, etc.) Vistaprint has yet to let me down.
Sounds like a fair price for a banner! Good turn around time as well!! Congrats, looks great!!!
Been busy prepping for our first gig later this month. We landed a second guitar player a few weeks back, so been getting him up to speed. And, we're starting the show with a brand new song - people who have heard it are calling it our "hit single" so will be fun to see everyone's reaction when it's out in the world. Also ordered our first batch of shirts and will have those and stickers at the gig.


Been busy prepping for our first gig later this month. We landed a second guitar player a few weeks back, so been getting him up to speed. And, we're starting the show with a brand new song - people who have heard it are calling it our "hit single" so will be fun to see everyone's reaction when it's out in the world. Also ordered our first batch of shirts and will have those and stickers at the gig.


I really like the artwork y'all have done for the single "Ashes"! V cool!! Sounds like the ship is sailing in the right direction, best wishes to you and your mates!!!
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One week from today.

Have our last two practices before the gig this weekend. Then, have some loose ends to tie up before next Saturday. We ordered shirts that are supposed to be done middle of the week, so hoping that goes without a hitch. Got stickers a few weeks ago, so we'll be offering a shirt and sticker for $20. Seems like a fair price... (?)

Also took advantage of my Elysian Pickups endorsement and ordered a custom set of bass humbuckers for my BXB-75. Was hoping they'd get here in time for the gig, but it's not looking like that will happen. Knowing my luck, they'll arrive Friday, I'll mad scramble to get 'em installed and screw something up, then have to use my backup bass. 🤣

The stage is super small, so we're going to have the drum set in the center, a 412 on each side of it, and one of my bass cabs on top of each 412. Then, we're hanging the banner on a pole across the top of the two bass cabs. Seems like it will look cool, but won't know until it's go time.

We have another gig booked for late August, but hoping to get at least one more this summer and maybe one in September, then we're going back into writing mode for the winter with the hopes of having our first album done and released next Spring. (Not sure if I mentioned upstream, but we got a recording contract offer already - but turned it down as we weren't quite ready - but figure that bodes well for the future...)

All this from a delusion of grandeur and a few friends pushing me to start a band. Thanks to everyone who has encouraged and supported us!