Walk thru my latest fever dream/delusion of grandeur with me, won't you? (Red Vinter thread)

Playing bass at high level and singing equally well is a special skill not many have pulled off. Guys like Getty Lee, Sting, or Peter Cetera are pretty rare.

Doug Pinnick, Phil Lynott, James Dewar, Paul McCartney, Tom Araya, Troy Sanders, Les Claypool, Jack Bruce, Roger Waters, etc. etc.

I'm confused as to what special skill is involved that's any different than a guitarist, keyboardist, drummer, etc. would need?
Doug Pinnick, Phil Lynott, James Dewar, Paul McCartney, Tom Araya, Troy Sanders, Les Claypool, Jack Bruce, Roger Waters, etc. etc.

I'm confused as to what special skill is involved that's any different than a guitarist, keyboardist, drummer, etc. would need?
Those guys are all great examples of players who can sing melody and play actual bass lines. Their ability to do so is partly the reason we know their names. But I'd speculate they're still in an exclusive club vs other instrumentalists.

One week from today.

Have our last two practices before the gig this weekend. Then, have some loose ends to tie up before next Saturday. We ordered shirts that are supposed to be done middle of the week, so hoping that goes without a hitch. Got stickers a few weeks ago, so we'll be offering a shirt and sticker for $20. Seems like a fair price... (?)

Also took advantage of my Elysian Pickups endorsement and ordered a custom set of bass humbuckers for my BXB-75. Was hoping they'd get here in time for the gig, but it's not looking like that will happen. Knowing my luck, they'll arrive Friday, I'll mad scramble to get 'em installed and screw something up, then have to use my backup bass. 🤣

The stage is super small, so we're going to have the drum set in the center, a 412 on each side of it, and one of my bass cabs on top of each 412. Then, we're hanging the banner on a pole across the top of the two bass cabs. Seems like it will look cool, but won't know until it's go time.

We have another gig booked for late August, but hoping to get at least one more this summer and maybe one in September, then we're going back into writing mode for the winter with the hopes of having our first album done and released next Spring. (Not sure if I mentioned upstream, but we got a recording contract offer already - but turned it down as we weren't quite ready - but figure that bodes well for the future...)

All this from a delusion of grandeur and a few friends pushing me to start a band. Thanks to everyone who has encouraged and supported us!
Break two legs Iron1! As for the t-shirt/sticker price, that is a GREAT price!! Can't wait to see/hear the album next spring!!! Careful on the record contract stuff, lot's of sneaky words that can/will be used, be sure to have a competent attorney go through that stuff with a fine tooth comb ;~))
Ayo- @Iron1 what’s the update? How’d the show go??
It was awesome. Had no idea what to expect, but the crowd loved us. Every member of the headliner told me they want us to do more shows with ‘em and one of my fave comments from an audience member: “Man, you guys have some KILLER riffs!”

Will post a recap with pix later this week. :headbang
Show started at 7pm and if you've ever been in MN in the summer you know it doesn't get dark til close to 10pm for a few months, so the opener, Bleak Sabbath (yes, a Black Sabbath tribute band) had to bring the darkness in the light of day. These guys are crazy-talented, every one of them a master of their instrument and with a huge love for the source material you could close your eyes and easily imagine you were at a Black Sabbath gig.


The guitar player from Bleak is also the guitar player for the headliner, so it worked out well gear-wise. The venue is on the smaller side (more on that later) and we shared a lot of cabinets and the drum set just to make life easier for everyone for changeover.

Bleak played for a little over an hour and definitely gave everyone a great Sabbath-fix. Perfect opener for the Evening of Doom show.

We had about 15 minutes to get our gear in place and get ready. Didn't get much of a sound check (as much our fault as also a victim of circumstances) and with that came my first downside. My live tone is dialed in and I use a 410 and 115 to get it. The 115 gives all the low end rumble while the 410 is the punch in the face. Well, we decided to build cab stacks on each side of the stage to frame the banner and I specifically bought a longer speaker cable to reach from my amp to the far cab (the 115). When the time came, the cable was about a foot too short. So, in a split decision moment, I decided to roll without the 115 rather than move it closer. Probably would have been fine, except I didn't adjust the volume on my amp to compensate for only one cab. According to folks in the crowd (including a sound engineer we're working with) it sounded great still, albeit a little quieter than I would have liked. The other downer was I couldn't hear my vocals at all on stage, which led to a less than great performance - although the crowd didn't seem to think so.


We hammered through our set list: Ashes - Blood in the Frost - In Cygnus - Insurgent - K.I.A. in what seemed like no time at all. Drummer later told me we played the songs faster than normal (probably just excited to be on stage finally) but the crowd loved us anyway. Overall, we had a few bumps and warts along the way, but did better than I expected for a brand new band playing our first gig. J, the guitar player on the right in the above photo, just joined about 2 months ago, and the other two bands have been together for years essentially (minus one new member), so it was cool that we held our own.

Once we were done, the headliner, Living Through Ghosts, took over. One of my friends used to be their singer, a few years back when they released their first album. He's since moved on to a local death metal band called Synopsis. LTG debuted their new singer, Felicia Wray, and she kicked @$$. She also fronts a local Dio tribute band, and does it very, very well. So, imagine a female fronted, incredibly talented doom band and you get the picture. Epic is a great way to describe them.


They're working on a new album that they mentioned they hope to release by years' end. If ya love doom, keep your ears out for that one - the songs they played from it were incredible. And, the GAS ignited for the guitar on the right side of this pic. An electric blue Phoenix with chrome hardware. It looked amazing and sounded huge.

Once the night ended, we had a lot of people give us praise, including members of both bands and the venue. The following morning, I got a barrage of texts and FB messages from people raving about it, sending pix they took, etc. Overall, it looks like this fever dream was worth the effort cause man, there's nothing like the feeling of a killer show. From my not so great math, my best guesstimate was about 50+ people came out. Perfect crowd size for a place like that and our first gig.

As for the venue, it's on the smaller side (as you can see in the pix). It's called Klash Drums or Klash Coffee. Confusing? Well, they started as just a drum store. Then began giving drum lessons (my drummer is one of their alum), then they took over the coffee house next door and started doing shows just over the last few months. So, we were the first doom gig they'd ever had. Just over the past month they've begun giving guitar lessons and hope to pair their guitar students with their drum students and begin spawning bands - while allowing those pairings to put on shows there to build their confidence and hone their skills - sort of like a House of Rock thing. Pretty cool to see someone investing in the local music scene so heavily.

Not sure if/when we'll play there again, but it was a great first show.

Next up, we have a gig in mid-August, where we'll debut a new song, Whispered Lies, and add Armor Up to the set list. The one we played the other day was about 30 minutes. With the two added songs, we'll be over 40. Trying to build to have 45-60 minute sets, as we had folks saying they wanted us to play longer than we did. Guess it's better to leave 'em wanting more, right?
Had our second gig last Friday. As these things go, about a week after we booked it, Metallica announced they were playing here the same night about a mile from the club we were booked at, so, attendance was slightly below expectations… 🤣

But, we had a blast anyway. We went on first as the bill was us and then three rock and roll bands with a combined hundred plus shows this year already. The soundman at the club was incredible and he had an apprentice he was mentoring who told me he loved doom and death metal, so it worked out really well from the sound reinforcement angle.

Played 6 songs for a total set time of about 40 minutes, but it felt like it was over in about 4 minutes - so figure that means I had a blast.

Hoping to do one or two more shows in the next month or so, then gonna shut it down and focus on recording our album. Hopefully we won’t release it the same day Metallica drops their next one… :ROFLMAO:
Had our second gig last Friday. As these things go, about a week after we booked it, Metallica announced they were playing here the same night about a mile from the club we were booked at, so, attendance was slightly below expectations… 🤣

But, we had a blast anyway. We went on first as the bill was us and then three rock and roll bands with a combined hundred plus shows this year already. The soundman at the club was incredible and he had an apprentice he was mentoring who told me he loved doom and death metal, so it worked out really well from the sound reinforcement angle.

Played 6 songs for a total set time of about 40 minutes, but it felt like it was over in about 4 minutes - so figure that means I had a blast.

Hoping to do one or two more shows in the next month or so, then gonna shut it down and focus on recording our album. Hopefully we won’t release it the same day Metallica drops their next one… :ROFLMAO:
Rock it Iron1! Good to see you are getting some play time and don't worry about those has beens you are competing with down the road!!