Life throwing crazy curveballs update:
So, as mentioned upstream I decided to play bass and sing for this band, assuming that finding a guitar player would be the easy part. Within 48 hours of looking for band members, found a drummer who is working out really well. We click in a lot of ways, musically and otherwise, so no-brainer to jam with him.
We cast around looking for a guitar player, on different Facebook groups, word of mouth etc.
Finally, a KILLER musician shows up, ready to jam. Total pro, on a few albums, major part of the local scene, really cool guy, all the things you want in a bandmate. And, he loves the music we're doing. Clicks ALL the boxes, except, he's a bass player (and can play drums if necessary).
After discussing with the drummer for awhile, got on the phone with the bass player and dude is just too cool to pass up. So, sent him our rough first song to see what he can do with it.
And, now it looks like I might be playing guitar and singing.
:: side-eye's the thousand dollars worth of bass gear recently accumulated and giant dent in bank account ::
But, as the drummer said last night "So, what I'm hearing from you is you'd rather play guitar on stage than bass in your bedroom"