Video Games

Are you using your spirit ashes? They can be an excellent distraction
Yeah Jellyfish right now seems to be the most help. I just need to learn his attack patterns a bit. I started sort of getting a hang of parrying as well so trying to figure out how to do it properly with these giant bosses.
As soon as phase two starts just run straight forward to him and start wailing on him; the fire will completely fly over your head (no need to dodge) and you can get in a ton of free damage
Ah so me keeping my distance was working completely against me! :D Thanks for the tips.
Was Radahn nerfed because I saw people talking about being 1 shot by him. Maybe I didn't get hit by the right move but I never had that happen
Was Radahn nerfed because I saw people talking about being 1 shot by him. Maybe I didn't get hit by the right move but I never had that happen

He had some fucked up hitboxes that got fixed like 1 month after the game first released

But his phase change comet dive move is the "one shot" move
Activated game pass again.

Was in a hifi store today. I am really considering taking out all Sonos and go fully or hybrid analogue.

Saw and listen to some set ups today and gaming with those should be awesome.

For now, I’ve only been playing cod black ops 6
Getting to Atlas Plateau:

Hey this place is nice and serene. Beautiful fall foliage. Oh hey these windmill people are a little creepy with their chanting and cult like behavior.

Oh good, worm headed monsters in a forest where I swear someone is whispering in my ear the entire time

.....I don't like it here anymore 😂
Yeah Jellyfish right now seems to be the most help. I just need to learn his attack patterns a bit. I started sort of getting a hang of parrying as well so trying to figure out how to do it properly with these giant bosses.
I'd say parrying most of the bosses is not a good idea, but there are some that can be wrecked by it.
Awesome! First time I felt competent in the game 😂
Know that feeling… start to feel good about things, one smacking random bastards to death, riding around feeling pretty, new area is laid out for exploring. And then they suddenly take it all away from you… again.
Now you’re dirty, humiliated, ugly… and dead.

At least that’s the beauty of the first two Elden Ring play through. The magic is there though. The first times. I wish I could erase my memories and play Elden Ring for the first time again.
Best weapon: KSV

I love these run around and shoot type of weapons where others are loading.

Only thing is they go out of ammo quick. But with all 5 slots full can’t really change that.

Nuketown is cool.