Isn't it even easier if you have the Margit Shackle and summon Rogier - and your Spirit or random on-line help? Murkwater Cave is as close and easy as it gets (well, an NPC Invasion first) - just don't kill Patches. Getting the shackle helps with Morgott too.Sure, I like to start a new run by running around to spots I know and levelling straight to level 45 to prep myself for the whole rest of the game early, but I can also just go straight to Margit and just grab a few things on the way and beat him sub 20. I can walk up to him toe to toe and dodge and parry (and you need two successful parries to stagger a boss) as needed with no fear. No panic rolls. And it probably only takes about four extra good hits to take him out.*
I finally got around to killing Radahn/Miquella (I was making sure I had every Boss/dragon/cave in base game and DLC first), so now have both Starscourge Greatswords +10 and Light of Miquella incantation (duped online with a friend) to start NG+ ...2 or 3...?
Taylew and Heal From Afar for the win!
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