UAFX Enigmatic

I'm almost tempted to get one just to.see how it stacks up against the Helix's "Dumble" (the Grammatico GSG), which I think is stellar, but I probably won't (at least not today! ;) )

Really interested in seeing someone doing that exact shootout myself. My guess is that they will be very close.
Watched Henning's video of this and the pedal seems like a pain in the ass to work with considering how many second layer features it has. Especially the OD gain vs Ratio (OD level) on the same knob on main vs alt layer seems like a pain.

Similarly the bright cap options require you to remember "zones" where the cap is active. This could have been solved by two small push-buttons under the bottom row of knobs for toggling Deep/Mid and cycling bright caps.

This thing has almost Source Audio level of app features but due to the usual UA issues you can't use more than one preset without pulling out the app.

Sounds good, but UA really could do so much better.
It's like Pokeballs, but for gear wh**es

^^ No issues at all from me Tito :)

Imagine how boring and sterile and lifeless and pointless music would be if we all used the same amp, same guitar, same pickups and same pedals and played the same way.

No two people anywhere on this little rock we all live on so temporarily, ever hear and feel the same sound the same way .... and that's the one thing that makes music the universal language.

All the best Tito !

Absolutely agree. The one thing I took issue with was the "objective" part.

I'm almost tempted to get one just to.see how it stacks up against the Helix's "Dumble" (the Grammatico GSG), which I think is stellar, but I probably won't (at least not today! ;) )

I've went through the whole Dumble/Ford thing. I have not and probably will never buy a real Dumble. But I got a Two Rock, Ceriatone and a Zendrive.

For me the GSG isn't really a great representation of the type of tone I want and expect from this style of amp. Even considering the amp doesn't go for the particular type of amp inside the Dumble universe I particularly prefer, there are certain characteristics I expect that I just don't see in this particular model.

On Helix IMO the Litigator is a better representation of Dumble thing, and just a better sounding model overall.
On Helix IMO the Litigator is a better representation of Dumble thing, and just a better sounding model overall.
I still love the Litigator too, but with all the additional switches and controls, I think the GSG is probably the most versatile amp in the Helix ecosystem.

What do you think of the Aristocrat?
The point is, for what they cost the UA pedals are so crippled, they’re a shit value. Doesn’t matter how wonderful they sound, when there’s no MIDI. To each their own though. UA loves that people will spend a lot for little in return, obviously. That’s how they’re still in business.
And you know it’s not for you.
But don’t you think those of us who prefer them have our reasons?

You see me in nano cortex thread meaning it’s not for me?
Once I found out it won’t load plugs I lost interest.
The point is, for what they cost the UA pedals are so crippled, they’re a shit value. Doesn’t matter how wonderful they sound, when there’s no MIDI. To each their own though. UA loves that people will spend a lot for little in return, obviously. That’s how they’re still in business.

I’m always disappointed in the lack of features in the UA pedals, but it’s a bridge too far for me to say that it doesn’t matter how good they sound. That’s sort of the whole point of these things…

If I had to pick between a UA pedal and a capture player, I’d take the UA (and I can say that without even playing a UA pedal). Fortunately I don’t have to make such a choice and I’ll stick with my Fm9 for modeling stuff. But I totally do get why the UA pedals are successful.

The point is, for what they cost the UA pedals are so crippled, they’re a shit value. Doesn’t matter how wonderful they sound...
To each their own though.

I still love the Litigator too, but with all the additional switches and controls, I think the GSG is probably the most versatile amp in the Helix ecosystem.

What do you think of the Aristocrat?
Haven't tried it like the GSG, but the time I spent with it I don't remember really liking it. Maybe I'll try it again. Honestly I pretty much have up on Helix amps for anything other than a dead clean amp while using external pedals for any amount of gain.
They'll probably sell a bucket load of these, is my guess. Adding more pedals to their eco-system starts to make the eco-system make more sense than it did when they released the Starlight delay and it didn't compete with the other biggish box delays of the day.

I'm a bit more chilled about their feature set these days. At first I thought, what... no proper midi preset support??? But tbh.... most people use one or two presets, or are quite happy setting stuff up manually in between songs, whether on stage or the studio.

Gear manufacturers, keep saying it again and again - Forums are not your audience.
I'd rather have enough controls for 2 channels on all their pedals than presets. Sort of like the Friedman IR-X/D pedals, which I find to be just excellent from a design/UI POV (especially as they also nailed the boost functionality).
They'll probably sell a bucket load of these, is my guess. Adding more pedals to their eco-system starts to make the eco-system make more sense than it did when they released the Starlight delay and it didn't compete with the other biggish box delays of the day.

I'm a bit more chilled about their feature set these days. At first I thought, what... no proper midi preset support??? But tbh.... most people use one or two presets, or are quite happy setting stuff up manually in between songs, whether on stage or the studio.

Gear manufacturers, keep saying it again and again - Forums are not your audience.

For me, it isn’t that I can’t get by with two sounds. It’s that for the price they charge I expect to have access to more via midi. Seems like a waste to pack so much good stuff sonically into those boxes but limit me to two sounds and no automation live.

I could totally make them work for me, but they’d be way more appealing with midi for me. The vast majority of users don’t touch midi though and non-midi solutions with extensive preset capabilities are usually clumsy to operate and therefore only get used for a few sounds anyway. So I get why they did it, but I wish they would have done something different.
