The Pot Partaker's Lounge

Can someone tell me what is actually in these Infused Pre Rolls that taste like Grape Kool Aid
and Tropical Punch? I tried one last night that was Apples and Bananas and it freaked me the fuck
out. Marijuna is not supposed to taste like Apple Cider and Banana Bread combined.

It causes cognitive dissonance in my head. I can't fathom how it is not some kind of artificial

Please don't, "It's Terpenes, Bro" me, either. :LOL:

That's what my Buddy said last night. :hmm

He also has all of his Plants still in ground. I was shocked. A couple are burnt and the ends/tips
on some of the Flowers are curled up.

But he knows better than me and said, "I glassed them and they are not ready yet." (jeweler's glass). :idk
No offense....that guy is burnt upstairs. I just took down my last and threw half on the pile because of that very is wrong with these dudes ....see this is why I don't weed forum. I'd be the eagle over there and I would hate it ....

5 hard frosts and freezes in a row with no protection is a death sentence....and then everything dies and degrades. But what do we know?!?😝
Found an interesting mutation I have never physically seen before. Read about....but never actually seen it ....pretty cool.

A bud sprouting from the leaf.

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It's technically ok ....but who the f would want disguises inferior product.
Some people hate the natural taste of cannabis. Like flavored bear and other alcoholic drinks, many turn to flavored products to mask the taste.

I actually appreciate subtleties of different species of cannabis and their terpenes. It’s kind of what hit me into specialty coffee.
Some people hate the natural taste of cannabis. Like flavored bear and other alcoholic drinks, many turn to flavored products to mask the taste.

I actually appreciate subtleties of different species of cannabis and their terpenes. It’s kind of what hit me into specialty coffee.
Some people are also missing some grey matter......I don't get it ... but girls love that shit
So .. because of 5 days of frost/freeze ... essentially killing my girls ...we did everything to button things up earlier... prepping for trimming this late afternoon/evening.....

80 degrees Fahrenheit.....just before a torrential downpour......Guess it'll have to wait until morning.......God Dammit!!!!! I wanna be done now!!!!!

Anyway....could be worse ... hearing lots of the usual horror stories in the cannabis gardens this year. Good thing I was ahead of it 😉.

Maybe others misfortune will fit my over abundance just nicely.

Win some, Lose some, Win some again.
Haven't documented the cure process too much....kind of boring.

But, I dry in a humidity controlled room, which is lined in vapor barrier plastic, to prevent incoming dust and whatnot.
I have 3 levels of oscillating fans which circulate the room air around my hanging, circular dry racks....
usually, depending on relative humidity, after 3 days it's moved to clean, paper bags slow the drying process a bit. But also to make it easier to place in a large plastic tote.

This pic is for @norminal , I believe this is his favorite...or maybe I'm wrong ....anyway GG#4

I cycle the paper bags in and out of the totes over a period of days redistribute the remaining moisture from the stems, amongst the dry flower....this achieves an even moisture level throughout the batch of flower. This is usually a 3 to 4 day process...but can take longer depending on variables, such as bud density, initial moisture level...and how much flower is in the drying room at the time.
After usually goes into 2 gal plastic freezer bags....and depending on what happens then, either another day or so curing, or into a cold storage for continued preservation.
This is a hybrid process developed over years, and is unique to our particular process.

Also, 24 hours of drying for the hash.....look how it changes. Should be another 24 at least....then I will test the moisture level.....and then continue to cure it. It usually doesn't last long I usually don't get to fully cure it. Some freeze dry and then sieve it....that is so tedious and annoying...and frankly unnecessary at this size.
Last day of harvest. Finally finished in the Garden for the year. Huge thanks to those whom ashes are in the garden, you blessed us this year.


Last girls in the rack. GG#4


So happy to have everything in the done in the to relax a bit now. Now just a day of clean up and storage of equipment for the year. Waiting for the drying and curing to finish..... normally this is when I start hash...but I already did that😝👍.

Thanks to all whom enjoyed this year's garden journey. Hope everyone learned something.....see you again next year......comes fast.....we start seeds in 4/20. Not like I'm that guy, just easy to remember and perfect time.

I'm sure I'll post more in the thread....but for now, it's time for weed, hash, whiskey, and pizza.

Enjoy your day everyone....and @la szum , I'll be seeing you soon!😉
Seriously, I just love this ... Homegrown organic, that I grew and nurtured from seed, topped with bubble hash that I made , knowing where every single ingredient came from.

I don't get to fully enjoy how awesome it truly is...due to the work and other responsibilities, but it really doesn't get any better than this right here.....first hit is gonna be 👨‍🚀🚀🌓


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The Pot Porn has been off the chain in this thread. Thanks for sharing @likitlikeyoulikeit . :beer
No problem. You guys have been too kind. I'm just glad that someone appreciates it. I am all for sharing the knowledge, not hiding it away like it's some mystery.

This has been one of the best years of my growing career. Aside from the beginning, my dick seed supplier, it went smoother than I could ever have hoped for.

Here's to better days ahead, and I will give thanks to the bounty the goddess has provided. ----this is a nod to one of my teachers along the way. An older white legit rastafari American, who transplanted to Jamaica, and then came back here. He viewed cannabis in a very interesting way, and taught me much.

Hopefully everyone is enjoying themselves this day!😝
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The fucking Ice Coffee Ghost returned last night and took out my bubbler with the cup of ice coffee. I think the glass breaking scared him off because again, I was unable to see him even though I was standing in the same 1' of space where the cup and bubbler were and my hand had just passed right above them. Sneaky fucker.

It was due time, a big ole floating ball of resin had formed inside I couldn't get out. Fortunately, I haven't had any pot that tastes like Apple Cider or Pumpkin Spice, so I'm looking forward to having a clean, fresh bubbler where changing the water actually does something.
The fucking Ice Coffee Ghost returned last night and took out my bubbler with the cup of ice coffee. I think the glass breaking scared him off because again, I was unable to see him even though I was standing in the same 1' of space where the cup and bubbler were and my hand had just passed right above them. Sneaky fucker.

It was due time, a big ole floating ball of resin had formed inside I couldn't get out. Fortunately, I haven't had any pot that tastes like Apple Cider or Pumpkin Spice, so I'm looking forward to having a clean, fresh bubbler where changing the water actually does something.
Here's a tip....

Higher than 90%iso....and iodized table salt....the salt doesn't dissolve in alcohol...and it is abrasive.....swish it around violently....rinse with hot water, once clean to standard, and boom...good as new.

No joke, I clean my pieces daily....kind of a snob like ruins the flavor when the piece is dirty.....silly habit I picked up from my cannabis sensei. It stuck. I use to purchase a product at a head shop... until I realized what it actually was ...and how cheap I could make my own.

Hope this helps in the future.

Also...those gnomes(ghosts) are assholes ...I'm known for falling asleep and then throwing my bong at them as they run was a thing of mine for about 8 years😝🤪