I kinda wish it wasn’t such a damn - infected hypocrite dual morality nonsense - tabu in Sweden
I am one of those that it would help in a medical manner. (I smoked a little hash and maja in my young years of course, for the kicks).
But i inherited the HLA-B27 gene from my fathers side and have an chronical arthritis immune inflammatory… thing.
And I can live and have adjusted my self to the many symptoms (tired, grumpy, angry, stiff like a log in the morning) by home exercises and a lot of movement. I do as the rheumatologists say, a lot of walks, swim, warm baths, sauna, massage… and so on.
But sometimes It gets to me, when the pain occasionally is tiresome to bare. I’m mostly fine on the NSAID I’m prescribed, but there is also the worry about the stomach and intestines. Reading a lot I’ve learned that in some countries and USA specifically patients with my “diagnose” can benefit from medical cannabis. And some of course smoke rather than use prescription. I’m following this young girl on IG, she has this really bad version of my diagnose, so much pain, so heartbreaking and her whole life and family is centered around this. But her parents let’s her use cannabis and because of that she can focus on studies and become something….
So yeah… I hate Sweden and it’s hypocrisy regarding what is sane to allow and what is insanity to ignore.
There’s huge alcohol problems in this country. It’s ok for people from 18, to go out get wasted every weekend, causing all kinds of shit. And the adults that also do beautify/glorify/deny the real problems of everyday casual drinking and heavy weekend drinking. (Yep… it’s normal here). The cost and consequences on society is immeasurable.
Buts it’s illegal to smoke a joint if I want to do it alone by myself in my home.

I’ll also openly admit that I’d prefer to smoke a joint than to take medical prescribed cannabis